Articles | Volume 10, issue 2
Original research article
10 Sep 2024
Original research article |  | 10 Sep 2024

An ensemble estimate of Australian soil organic carbon using machine learning and process-based modelling

Lingfei Wang, Gab Abramowitz, Ying-Ping Wang, Andy Pitman, and Raphael A. Viscarra Rossel

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Cited articles

Abramoff, R. Z., Guenet, B., Zhang, H., Georgiou, K., Xu, X., Viscarra Rossel, R. A., Yuan, W., and Ciais, P.: Improved global-scale predictions of soil carbon stocks with Millennial Version 2, Soil Biol. Biochem., 164, 108466,, 2022. 
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Adhikari, K., Mishra, U., Owens, P., Libohova, Z., Wills, S., Riley, W., Hoffman, F., and Smith, D.: Importance and strength of environmental controllers of soil organic carbon changes with scale, Geoderma, 375, 114472,, 2020. 
Australian Government: National Vegetation Information System (NVIS),, last access: 1 April 2024. 
Bai, Y. and Cotrufo, M. F.: Grassland soil carbon sequestration: Current understanding, challenges, and solutions, Science, 377, 603–608,, 2022. 
Short summary
Effective management of soil organic carbon (SOC) requires accurate knowledge of its distribution and factors influencing its dynamics. We identify the importance of variables in spatial SOC variation and estimate SOC stocks in Australia using various models. We find there are significant disparities in SOC estimates when different models are used, highlighting the need for a critical re-evaluation of land management strategies that rely on the SOC distribution derived from a single approach.