Articles | Volume 7, issue 2
Original research article
26 Oct 2021
Original research article |  | 26 Oct 2021

The central African soil spectral library: a new soil infrared repository and a geographical prediction analysis

Laura Summerauer, Philipp Baumann, Leonardo Ramirez-Lopez, Matti Barthel, Marijn Bauters, Benjamin Bukombe, Mario Reichenbach, Pascal Boeckx, Elizabeth Kearsley, Kristof Van Oost, Bernard Vanlauwe, Dieudonné Chiragaga, Aimé Bisimwa Heri-Kazi, Pieter Moonen, Andrew Sila, Keith Shepherd, Basile Bazirake Mujinya, Eric Van Ranst, Geert Baert, Sebastian Doetterl, and Johan Six

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Cited articles

Angelopoulou, T., Balafoutis, A., Zalidis, G., and Bochtis, D.: From Laboratory to Proximal Sensing Spectroscopy for Soil Organic Carbon Estimation – A Review, Sustainability, 12, 1–24,, 2020. a
Baert, G.: Properties and Chemical Management Aspects of Soils on Different Parent Rocks in the Lower Zaire, Doctoral thesis, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, 1995. a
Baert, G., Van Ranst, E., Ngongo, M., Kasongo, E., Verdoodt, A., Mujinya, B., and Mukalay, J.: Guide Des Sols En R.D. Congo. Tome II: Description et Données Physico-Chimiques de Profils Types., Imprimé par l'Ecole Technique Salama, Lubumbashi, R.D. Congo, 2009. a
Baert, G., Van Ranst, E., Ngongo, M., and Verdoodt, A.: Soil Survey in DR Congo – from 1935 until Today, Meded. Zitt. K. Acad. overzeese Wet, 59, 345–362, 2013. a
Ballabio, D. and Consonni, V.: Classification Tools in Chemistry. Part 1: Linear Models, PLS-DA, Analytical Methods, 5, 3790–3798,, 2013. a
Short summary
We present a soil mid-infrared library with over 1800 samples from central Africa in order to facilitate soil analyses of this highly understudied yet critical area. Together with an existing continental library, we demonstrate a regional analysis and geographical extrapolation to predict total carbon and nitrogen. Our results show accurate predictions and highlight the value that the data contribute to existing libraries. Our library is openly available for public use and for expansion.