Articles | Volume 6, issue 1
Original research article
 | Highlight paper
11 Feb 2020
Original research article | Highlight paper |  | 11 Feb 2020

Variations in soil chemical and physical properties explain basin-wide Amazon forest soil carbon concentrations

Carlos Alberto Quesada, Claudia Paz, Erick Oblitas Mendoza, Oliver Lawrence Phillips, Gustavo Saiz, and Jon Lloyd

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Amazon soils hold as much carbon (C) as is contained in the vegetation. In this work we sampled soils across 8 different Amazonian countries to try to understand which soil properties control current Amazonian soil C concentrations. We confirm previous knowledge that highly developed soils hold C through clay content interactions but also show a previously unreported mechanism of soil C stabilization in the younger Amazonian soil types which hold C through aluminium organic matter interactions.