Articles | Volume 2, issue 4
Review article
01 Nov 2016
Review article |  | 01 Nov 2016

Soil fauna: key to new carbon models

Juliane Filser, Jack H. Faber, Alexei V. Tiunov, Lijbert Brussaard, Jan Frouz, Gerlinde De Deyn, Alexei V. Uvarov, Matty P. Berg, Patrick Lavelle, Michel Loreau, Diana H. Wall, Pascal Querner, Herman Eijsackers, and Juan José Jiménez

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Cited articles

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Andriuzzi, W. S., Pulleman, M. M., Schmidt, O., Faber, J. H., and Brussaard, L.: Anecic earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris) alleviate negative effects of extreme rainfall events on soil and plants in field mesocosms, Plant Soil, 397, 103–113,, 2015.
Arai, M., Tayasu, I., Komatsuzaki, M., Uchida, M., Shibata, Y., and Kaneko, N.: Changes in soil aggregate carbon dynamics under no-tillage with respect to earthworm biomass revealed by radiocarbon analysis, Soil Till. Res., 126, 42–49, 2013.
Short summary
Soils store more than 3 times as much carbon than the atmosphere, but global carbon models still suffer from large uncertainty. We argue that this may be due to the fact that soil animals are not taken into account in such models. They dig, eat and distribute dead organic matter and microorganisms, and the quantity of their activity is often huge. Soil animals affect microbial activity, soil water content, soil structure, erosion and plant growth – and all of this affects carbon cycling.