Articles | Volume 7, issue 2
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the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
© Author(s) 2021. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Combining colour parameters and geochemical tracers to improve sediment source discrimination in a mining catchment (New Caledonia, South Pacific Islands)
Virginie Sellier
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE), UMR
8212 (CEA/CNRS/UVSQ-IPSL), Université Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Oldrich Navratil
Laboratoire Environnement Ville Société (EVS), Université
Lumière Lyon 2, UMR 5600 (CNRS), Lyon, France
John Patrick Laceby
Alberta Environment and Parks, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Cédric Legout
Institut des Géosciences de l'Environnement (IGE), UMR 5001,
Grenoble, France
Anthony Foucher
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE), UMR
8212 (CEA/CNRS/UVSQ-IPSL), Université Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Michel Allenbach
LIVE-EA 4243, Université de Nouvelle-Calédonie & LABEX
Corail, Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie, France
Irène Lefèvre
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE), UMR
8212 (CEA/CNRS/UVSQ-IPSL), Université Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Olivier Evrard
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE), UMR
8212 (CEA/CNRS/UVSQ-IPSL), Université Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
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Gerald Dicen, Floriane Guillevic, Surya Gupta, Pierre-Alexis Chaboche, Katrin Meusburger, Pierre Sabatier, Olivier Evrard, and Christine Alewell
Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript accepted for ESSD
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Fallout radionuclides such as 137Cs and 239+240Pu are considered as critical tools in various environmental research. Here, we compiled reference soil data on these fallout radionuclides from the literature to build a comprehensive database. Using this database, we determined the distribution and sources of 137Cs and 239+240Pu. We also demonstrated how the database can be used to identify the environmental factors that influence their distribution using a machine-learning algorithm.
Thomas Chalaux-Clergue, Rémi Bizeul, Pedro V. G. Batista, Núria Martínez-Carreras, J. Patrick Laceby, and Olivier Evrard
SOIL, 10, 109–138,,, 2024
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Sediment source fingerprinting is a relevant tool to support soil conservation and watershed management in the context of accelerated soil erosion. To quantify sediment source contribution, it requires the selection of relevant tracers. We compared the three-step method and the consensus method and found very contrasted trends. The divergences between virtual mixtures and sample prediction ranges highlight that virtual mixture statistics are not directly transferable to actual samples.
Anthony Foucher, Sergio Morera, Michael Sanchez, Jhon Orrillo, and Olivier Evrard
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 27, 3191–3204,,, 2023
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The current research investigated, as a representative study case, the sediment accumulated in the Poechos Reservoir (located on the west coast of northern Peru) for retrospectively reconstructing the impact on sediment dynamics (1978–2019) of extreme phases of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation, land cover changes after humid periods and agricultural expansion along the riverine system.
Olivier Evrard, Thomas Chalaux-Clergue, Pierre-Alexis Chaboche, Yoshifumi Wakiyama, and Yves Thiry
SOIL, 9, 479–497,,, 2023
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Twelve years after the nuclear accident that occurred in Fukushima in March 2011, radioactive contamination remains a major concern in north-eastern Japan. The Japanese authorities completed an unprecedented decontamination programme. The central objective was to not expose local inhabitants to excessive radioactive doses. At the onset of the full reopening of the Difficult-to-Return Zone in 2023, the current review provides an update of a previous synthesis published in 2019.
Marie Dumont, Simon Gascoin, Marion Réveillet, Didier Voisin, François Tuzet, Laurent Arnaud, Mylène Bonnefoy, Montse Bacardit Peñarroya, Carlo Carmagnola, Alexandre Deguine, Aurélie Diacre, Lukas Dürr, Olivier Evrard, Firmin Fontaine, Amaury Frankl, Mathieu Fructus, Laure Gandois, Isabelle Gouttevin, Abdelfateh Gherab, Pascal Hagenmuller, Sophia Hansson, Hervé Herbin, Béatrice Josse, Bruno Jourdain, Irene Lefevre, Gaël Le Roux, Quentin Libois, Lucie Liger, Samuel Morin, Denis Petitprez, Alvaro Robledano, Martin Schneebeli, Pascal Salze, Delphine Six, Emmanuel Thibert, Jürg Trachsel, Matthieu Vernay, Léo Viallon-Galinier, and Céline Voiron
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 15, 3075–3094,,, 2023
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Saharan dust outbreaks have profound effects on ecosystems, climate, health, and the cryosphere, but the spatial deposition pattern of Saharan dust is poorly known. Following the extreme dust deposition event of February 2021 across Europe, a citizen science campaign was launched to sample dust on snow over the Pyrenees and the European Alps. This campaign triggered wide interest and over 100 samples. The samples revealed the high variability of the dust properties within a single event.
Laurie Boithias, Olivier Ribolzi, Emma Rochelle-Newall, Chanthanousone Thammahacksa, Paty Nakhle, Bounsamay Soulileuth, Anne Pando-Bahuon, Keooudone Latsachack, Norbert Silvera, Phabvilay Sounyafong, Khampaseuth Xayyathip, Rosalie Zimmermann, Sayaphet Rattanavong, Priscia Oliva, Thomas Pommier, Olivier Evrard, Sylvain Huon, Jean Causse, Thierry Henry-des-Tureaux, Oloth Sengtaheuanghoung, Nivong Sipaseuth, and Alain Pierret
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 14, 2883–2894,,, 2022
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Fecal pathogens in surface waters may threaten human health, especially in developing countries. The Escherichia coli (E. coli) database is organized in three datasets and includes 1602 records from 31 sampling stations located within the Mekong River basin in Lao PDR. Data have been used to identify the drivers of E. coli dissemination across tropical catchments, including during floods. Data may be further used to interpret new variables or to map the health risk posed by fecal pathogens.
Anthony Foucher, Pierre-Alexis Chaboche, Pierre Sabatier, and Olivier Evrard
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 4951–4966,,, 2021
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Sediment archives provide a powerful and unique tool for reconstructing the trajectory and the resilience of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems facing major environmental changes. Establishing an age depth–model is the first prerequisite of any paleo-investigation. This study synthesizes the distribution of two radionuclides classically used to this aim, providing a worldwide reference to help the scientific community reach a consensus for dating recent sedimentary archives.
Olivier Evrard, Caroline Chartin, J. Patrick Laceby, Yuichi Onda, Yoshifumi Wakiyama, Atsushi Nakao, Olivier Cerdan, Hugo Lepage, Hugo Jaegler, Rosalie Vandromme, Irène Lefèvre, and Philippe Bonté
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 2555–2560,,, 2021
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This dataset provides an original compilation of radioactive dose rates and artificial radionuclide activities in sediment deposited after floods in the rivers draining the main radioactive pollution plume in Fukushuma, Japan, between November
2011 and November 2020. In total, 782 sediment samples collected from 27 to 71 locations during 16 fieldwork campaigns were analysed. This provides a unique post-accidental dataset to better understand the environmental fate of radionuclides.
Magdalena Uber, Guillaume Nord, Cédric Legout, and Luis Cea
Earth Surf. Dynam., 9, 123–144,,, 2021
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Understanding soil erosion and suspended sediment transport is an important issue in terms of soil and water resources management. This study analyzes the impact of choices made during numerical model setup on the modeled suspended sediment dynamics at the outlet of two mesoscale watersheds. While the modeled liquid and solid discharges were found to be sensitive to these choices, the actual location of sediment sources in each catchment was the most important feature.
André-Marie Dendievel, Brice Mourier, Alexandra Coynel, Olivier Evrard, Pierre Labadie, Sophie Ayrault, Maxime Debret, Florence Koltalo, Yoann Copard, Quentin Faivre, Thomas Gardes, Sophia Vauclin, Hélène Budzinski, Cécile Grosbois, Thierry Winiarski, and Marc Desmet
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 12, 1153–1170,,, 2020
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Polychlorinated biphenyl indicators (ΣPCBi) from sediment cores, bed and flood deposits, suspended particulate matter, and dredged sediments along the major French rivers (1945–2018) are compared with socio-hydrological drivers. ΣPCBi increased from 1945 to the 1990s due to urban and industrial emissions. It gradually decreased with the implementation of regulations. Specific ΣPCBi fluxes reveal the amount of PCB-polluted sediment transported by French rivers to European seas over 40 years.
Guillaume Nord, Yoann Michielin, Romain Biron, Michel Esteves, Guilhem Freche, Thomas Geay, Alexandre Hauet, Cédric Legoût, and Bernard Mercier
Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 9, 41–67,,, 2020
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We present the development of the RIPLE platform that is designed for the monitoring at high temporal frequency (~ 10 min) of water discharge, solid fluxes (bedload and suspended load) and properties of fine particles (settling velocity) in mesoscale rivers. Many instruments are integrated into this single centralized device, which is autonomous in energy and connected to the 2G/3G network. A user-friendly interface has been developed enabling us to visualize the data collected by the platform.
Olivier Evrard, J. Patrick Laceby, and Atsushi Nakao
SOIL, 5, 333–350,,, 2019
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The Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident in March 2011 resulted in the contamination of Japanese landscapes with radioactive fallout. The objective of this review is to provide an overview of the decontamination strategies and their potential effectiveness in Japan. Overall, we believe it is important to synthesise the remediation lessons learnt following the FDNPP nuclear accident, which could be fundamental if radioactive fallout occurred somewhere on Earth in the future.
Magdalena Uber, Jean-Pierre Vandervaere, Isabella Zin, Isabelle Braud, Maik Heistermann, Cédric Legoût, Gilles Molinié, and Guillaume Nord
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 6127–6146,,, 2018
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We investigate how rivers in a flash-flood-prone region in southern France respond to rainfall depending on initial soil moisture. Therefore, high-resolution data of rainfall, river discharge and soil moisture were used. We find that during dry initial conditions, the rivers hardly respond even for heavy rain events, but for wet initial conditions, the response remains unpredictable: for some rain events almost all rainfall is transformed to discharge, whereas this is not the case for others.
Guillaume Nord, Brice Boudevillain, Alexis Berne, Flora Branger, Isabelle Braud, Guillaume Dramais, Simon Gérard, Jérôme Le Coz, Cédric Legoût, Gilles Molinié, Joel Van Baelen, Jean-Pierre Vandervaere, Julien Andrieu, Coralie Aubert, Martin Calianno, Guy Delrieu, Jacopo Grazioli, Sahar Hachani, Ivan Horner, Jessica Huza, Raphaël Le Boursicaud, Timothy H. Raupach, Adriaan J. Teuling, Magdalena Uber, Béatrice Vincendon, and Annette Wijbrans
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 9, 221–249,,, 2017
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A high space–time resolution dataset linking hydrometeorological forcing and hydro-sedimentary response in a mesoscale catchment (Auzon, 116 km2) of the Ardèche region (France) is presented. This region is subject to precipitating systems of Mediterranean origin, which can result in significant rainfall amount. The data presented cover a period of 4 years (2011–2014) and aim at improving the understanding of processes triggering flash floods.
J. Patrick Laceby, Caroline Chartin, Olivier Evrard, Yuichi Onda, Laurent Garcia-Sanchez, and Olivier Cerdan
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 2467–2482,,, 2016
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Characterizing rainfall erosivity in the Fukushima fallout-impacted region is important for predicting radiocesium behavior. The majority of rainfall (60 %) and rainfall erosivity (86 %) occurs between June and October. Tropical cyclones contribute 22 % of the precipitation though 44 % of the rainfall erosivity. Understanding the rainfall regime and the influence of tropical cyclones is important managing radiocesium transfers in contaminated catchments in the Fukushima prefecture.
E. Gourdin, S. Huon, O. Evrard, O. Ribolzi, T. Bariac, O. Sengtaheuanghoung, and S. Ayrault
Biogeosciences, 12, 1073–1089,,, 2015
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The origin and dynamics of particulate organic matter were studied in a 11.6km² catchment (northern Laos) during the first erosive flood of the 2012 rainy season. Upstream suspended sediments mainly originated from cultivated soils labelled by their C3 vegetation cover. In contrast, channel banks with C4 vegetation supplied significant quantities of sediment to the river downstream. Swamps located along the main stream acted as sediment filters and controlled the composition of suspended POM.
H. Lepage, O. Evrard, Y. Onda, I. Lefèvre, J. P. Laceby, and S. Ayrault
SOIL Discuss.,,, 2014
Revised manuscript not accepted
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Soils and managed ecosystems
Experimental drought and soil amendments affect grassland above- and belowground vegetation but not soil carbon stocks
Effects of moss restoration on surface runoff and initial soil erosion in a temperate vineyard
On the risks of good intentions and poor evidence – comment on “Back to the future? Conservative grassland management can preserve soil health in the changing landscapes of Uruguay” by Säumel et al. (2023)
The impact of agriculture on tropical mountain soils in the western Peruvian Andes: a pedo-geoarchaeological study of terrace agricultural systems in the Laramate region (14.5° S)
Luminescence dating approaches to reconstruct the formation of plaggic anthrosols
High capacity of integrated crop–pasture systems to preserve old soil carbon evaluated in a 60-year-old experiment
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Mulch application as the overarching factor explaining increase in soil organic carbon stocks under conservation agriculture in two 8-year-old experiments in Zimbabwe
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An ecosystem approach to assess soil quality in organically and conventionally managed farms in Iceland and Austria
Daniela Guasconi, Sara A. O. Cousins, Stefano Manzoni, Nina Roth, and Gustaf Hugelius
SOIL, 11, 233–246,,, 2025
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This study assesses the effects of experimental drought and soil amendment on soil and vegetation carbon pools at different soil depths. Drought consistently reduced soil moisture and aboveground biomass, while compost increased total soil carbon content and aboveground biomass, and effects were more pronounced in the topsoil. Root biomass was not significantly affected by the treatments. The contrasting response of roots and shoots improves our understanding of ecosystem carbon dynamics.
Corinna Gall, Silvana Oldenburg, Martin Nebel, Thomas Scholten, and Steffen Seitz
SOIL, 11, 199–212,,, 2025
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Soil erosion is a major issue in vineyards due to often steep slopes and fallow interlines. While cover crops are typically used for erosion control, moss restoration has not yet been explored. In this study, moss restoration reduced surface runoff by 71.4 % and sediment discharge by 75.8 % compared with bare soil, similar to cover crops. Mosses could serve as ground cover where mowing is impractical, potentially reducing herbicide use in viticulture, although further research is needed.
José Paruelo, Luis López-Mársico, Pablo Baldassini, Felipe Lezama, Bruno Bazzoni, Luciana Staiano, Agustin Nuñez, Anaclara Guido, Cecilia Ríos, Andrea Tommasino, Federico Gallego, Fabiana Pezzani, Gonzalo Camba Sans, Andrés Quincke, Santiago Baeza, Gervasio Piñeiro, and Walter Baethgen
SOIL, 11, 193–198,,, 2025
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In this article, we make comments on some methodological issues and on the general approach of the paper
Back to the future? Conservative grassland management can preserve soil health in the changing landscapes of Uruguay(Säumel et al., 2023; We identified several design and methodological problems in the aforementioned publication that may induce potential misinterpretations.
Fernando Leceta, Christoph Binder, Christian Mader, Bertil Mächtle, Erik Marsh, Laura Dietrich, Markus Reindel, Bernhard Eitel, and Julia Meister
SOIL, 10, 727–761,,, 2024
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This study explores pre-Hispanic terrace agriculture in the southern Peruvian Andes, focusing on soil development and agricultural impacts. It examines soil types and properties, as well as agricultural practices, and traces the region's agricultural development over four phases, highlighting the resilience of ancient communities. The abandonment of terraces was not due to soil degradation, emphasizing the sustainability of pre-Hispanic practices and the adaptation to environmental change.
Jungyu Choi, Roy van Beek, Elizabeth L. Chamberlain, Tony Reimann, Harm Smeenge, Annika van Oorschot, and Jakob Wallinga
SOIL, 10, 567–586,,, 2024
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This research applies luminescence dating methods to a plaggic anthrosol in the eastern Netherlands to understand the formation history of the soil. To achieve this, we combined both quartz and feldspar luminescence dating methods. We developed a new method for feldspar to largely avoid the problem occurring from poorly bleached grains by examining two different signals from a single grain. Through our research, we were able to reconstruct the timing and processes of plaggic anthrosol formation.
Maximiliano González-Sosa, Carlos A. Sierra, J. Andrés Quincke, Walter E. Baethgen, Susan Trumbore, and M. Virginia Pravia
SOIL, 10, 467–486,,, 2024
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Based on an approach that involved soil organic carbon (SOC) monitoring, radiocarbon measurement in bulk soil, and incubations from a long-term 60-year experiment, it was concluded that the avoidance of old carbon losses in the integrated crop–pasture systems is the main reason that explains their greater carbon storage capacities compared to continuous cropping. A better understanding of these processes is essential for making agronomic decisions to increase the carbon sequestration capacity.
Maria Regina Gmach, Martin Anders Bolinder, Lorenzo Menichetti, Thomas Kätterer, Heide Spiegel, Olle Åkesson, Jürgen Kurt Friedel, Andreas Surböck, Agnes Schweinzer, and Taru Sandén
SOIL, 10, 407–423,,, 2024
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We evaluated the effect of soil management practices on decomposition at 29 sites (13 in Sweden and 16 in Austria) using long-term field experiments with the Tea Bag Index (TBI) approach. We found that the decomposition rate (k) and stabilization factor (S) were mainly governed by climatic conditions. In general, organic and mineral fertilization increased k and S, and reduced tillage increased S. Edaphic factors also affected k and S.
Esko Karvinen, Leif Backman, Leena Järvi, and Liisa Kulmala
SOIL, 10, 381–406,,, 2024
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We measured and modelled soil respiration, a key part of the biogenic carbon cycle, in different urban green space types to assess its dynamics in urban areas. We discovered surprisingly similar soil respiration across the green space types despite differences in some of its drivers and that irrigation of green spaces notably elevates soil respiration. Our results encourage further research on the topic and especially on the role of irrigation in controlling urban soil respiration.
Claude Raoul Müller, Johan Six, Liesa Brosens, Philipp Baumann, Jean Paolo Gomes Minella, Gerard Govers, and Marijn Van de Broek
SOIL, 10, 349–365,,, 2024
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Subsoils in the tropics are not as extensively studied as those in temperate regions. In this study, the conversion of forest to agriculture in a subtropical region affected the concentration of stabilized organic carbon (OC) down to 90 cm depth, while no significant differences between 90 cm and 300 cm were detected. Our results suggest that subsoils below 90 cm are unlikely to accumulate additional stabilized OC through reforestation over decadal periods due to declining OC input with depth.
Armwell Shumba, Regis Chikowo, Christian Thierfelder, Marc Corbeels, Johan Six, and Rémi Cardinael
SOIL, 10, 151–165,,, 2024
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Conservation agriculture (CA), combining reduced or no tillage, permanent soil cover, and improved rotations, is often promoted as a climate-smart practice. However, our knowledge of the impact of CA on top- and subsoil soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in the low-input cropping systems of sub-Saharan Africa is rather limited. Using two long-term experimental sites with different soil types, we found that mulch could increase top SOC stocks, but no tillage alone had a slightly negative impact.
Frédéric Marie Vanwindekens and Brieuc François Hardy
SOIL, 9, 573–591,,, 2023
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Structural stability is critical for sustainable agricultural soil management. We invented a simple test to measure soil structural stability. The QuantiSlakeTest consists of a dynamic weighting of a dried soil sample in water. The test is rapid, does not require expensive equipment and provides a high density of information on soil structural properties. With an open-access programme for data management under development, the test has strong potential for adoption by a large community of users.
Moritz Laub, Marc Corbeels, Antoine Couëdel, Samuel Mathu Ndungu, Monicah Wanjiku Mucheru-Muna, Daniel Mugendi, Magdalena Necpalova, Wycliffe Waswa, Marijn Van de Broek, Bernard Vanlauwe, and Johan Six
SOIL, 9, 301–323,,, 2023
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In sub-Saharan Africa, long-term low-input maize cropping threatens soil fertility. We studied how different quality organic inputs combined with mineral N fertilizer could counteract this. Farmyard manure was the best input to counteract soil carbon loss; mineral N fertilizer had no effect on carbon. Yet, the rates needed to offset soil carbon losses are unrealistic for farmers (>10 t of dry matter per hectare and year). Additional agronomic measures may be needed.
Chelsea K. Janke and Michael J. Bell
SOIL, 9, 243–259,,, 2023
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Fertilizer blends of controlled release and stabilized nitrogen (N) demonstrated temporal N dynamics intermediate of unblended fertilizers. Soil characteristics had a significant impact on N dynamics and the efficacy of the differing enhanced efficiency fertilizer mechanisms to minimize potential N losses. Insights can improve N supply predictability, offering opportunities to improve N use efficiency in cropping systems.
Sara Niaz, J. Bernhard Wehr, Ram C. Dalal, Peter M. Kopittke, and Neal W. Menzies
SOIL, 9, 141–154,,, 2023
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Sodic soils affect ~580 Mha in semi-arid and arid regions of the world. These soils have a weak structure. This laboratory study evaluated treatments to overcome the weak aggregate structure in two sodic Vertisols by applying organic amendments, gypsum, and wetting–drying cycles. We conclude that sodic soils need to be treated with gypsum to flocculate clay and organic amendments (lucerne or chicken manure) to form aggregates, whereas drying cycles aid in small macroaggregates formation.
Julia Fohrafellner, Sophie Zechmeister-Boltenstern, Rajasekaran Murugan, and Elena Valkama
SOIL, 9, 117–140,,, 2023
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The number of meta-analyses in agriculture and soil sciences is continuously rising, but they are often of poor quality. We quantitatively analyzed the quality of 31 meta-analyses studying the effects of different management practices on soil organic carbon (SOC). We found that only one meta-analysis on no tillage/reduced tillage obtained a high score. New or improved meta-analyses on the effects of organic agriculture, biochar, fertilization, and crop diversification on SOC are urgently needed.
Shuiqing Chen, Jusheng Gao, Huaihai Chen, Zeyuan Zhang, Jing Huang, Lefu Lv, Jinfang Tan, and Xiaoqian Jiang
SOIL, 9, 101–116,,, 2023
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Long-term inorganic P (IP) fertilization increased total P (TP), available P (AP) and IP, but manure fertilization accelerated the accumulation of organic P (OP). Long-term mineral fertilization had a negative impact on bacterial communities, while manure fertilization and rhizosphere soil provided more nutrients that improved the separation of bacterial communities. Correspondingly, P indicators such as IP and TP were related to the variation in a phosphate-solubilizing bacterial community.
Alexa K. Byers, Loretta G. Garrett, Charlotte Armstrong, Fiona Dean, and Steve A. Wakelin
SOIL, 9, 55–70,,, 2023
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Forest soils store large amounts of carbon (C), but research has remained focused on C storage in topsoil layers. We investigated changes in forest soil C storage and microbial ecology to 1 m depth. Though absolute soil C content, microbial diversity and microbial biomass declined sharply with depth, 35 % of total soil C was cumulatively stored in subsoil layers. Our findings highlight the importance of including subsoils when calculating the C storage capacity of forest systems.
Johan Bouma
SOIL, 8, 751–759,,, 2022
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In the new
Soil Deal for Europe, land users, mostly farmers, and scientists are required to work jointly in
living labsto develop sustainable land use systems. We propose that threshold values for different ecosystem services in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the EU Green Deal (GD) have to be met to define
lighthousesthat demonstrate successful sustainable land use systems, functioning as inspiring examples. A case study illustrates the important role of soils.
Frederick Büks and Martin Kaupenjohann
SOIL, 8, 373–380,,, 2022
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The adverse effect of microplastic (MP) on soil biota and soil structure depends on MP particle size and surface characteristics. Since weathering plays a major role in the genesis of these, it must be considered in both the analysis of environmental MP and the production of artificial MP for laboratory experiments. This work integrates recent findings on adverse effects and the genesis of its surface characteristics and discusses how to reproduce them to obtain closer-to-nature designer MP.
Felice Sartori, Ilaria Piccoli, Riccardo Polese, and Antonio Berti
SOIL, 8, 213–222,,, 2022
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This study aimed to evaluate the short-term effects of the transition from conventional to conservation agriculture on soil physical properties, by determining the best soil tillage and covering combination, to exploit the benefits of conservation agriculture from the first conversion years. The results proved that, despite an increase in bulk density and penetration resistance, soil under reduced tillage systems with a cover crop improved its hydraulic properties.
Roisin O'Riordan, Jess Davies, Carly Stevens, and John N. Quinton
SOIL, 7, 661–675,,, 2021
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As urban populations grow, soil sealing with impermeable surfaces will increase. At present there is limited knowledge on the effect of sealing on soil carbon and nutrients. We found that, in general, sealing reduced soil carbon and nutrients; however, where there were additions due to human activity, soil carbon and nutrients were increased. This suggests that there is a legacy soil carbon store in areas with an industrial past and highlights the influence of artefacts in urban soil.
Bartosz Bartkowski, Stephan Bartke, Nina Hagemann, Bernd Hansjürgens, and Christoph Schröter-Schlaack
SOIL, 7, 495–509,,, 2021
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We use a holistic framework to analyze how agricultural policy in Germany affects the sustainability of soil management. We look at the adequacy of policy targets, objects (i.e. drivers of soil degradation), instruments, assumptions about farmers' behaviour, and the coherence among these four dimensions. We find deficits in each dimension, particularly object and instrument adequacy. Agricultural soil policy in Germany lacks depth and coherence, and the role of biomass demand is neglected.
Sascha Scherer, Benjamin Höpfer, Katleen Deckers, Elske Fischer, Markus Fuchs, Ellen Kandeler, Jutta Lechterbeck, Eva Lehndorff, Johanna Lomax, Sven Marhan, Elena Marinova, Julia Meister, Christian Poll, Humay Rahimova, Manfred Rösch, Kristen Wroth, Julia Zastrow, Thomas Knopf, Thomas Scholten, and Peter Kühn
SOIL, 7, 269–304,,, 2021
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This paper aims to reconstruct Middle Bronze Age (MBA) land use practices in the northwestern Alpine foreland (SW Germany, Hegau). We used a multi-proxy approach including biogeochemical proxies from colluvial deposits in the surroundings of a MBA settlement, on-site archaeobotanical and zooarchaeological data and off-site pollen data. From our data we infer land use practices such as plowing, cereal growth, forest farming and use of fire that marked the beginning of major colluvial deposition.
Collin J. Weber, Alexander Santowski, and Peter Chifflard
SOIL, 7, 15–31,,, 2021
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Pavement joints, defined as the joint between paving stones and filled with different materials, in the inner city area of Marburg (Hesse, Germany) show moderate to high pollution with different heavy metals. Enrichment of heavy metals in pavement joints is related to surface run-off accumulation. As the pollution of pavement joints poses direct risks to the environment and humans in urban areas, the inconspicuous joints should be considered in urban water management strategies.
Frederick Büks and Martin Kaupenjohann
SOIL, 6, 649–662,,, 2020
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Short summary
Laboratory experiments that assess microplastic (MP) impact on the terrestrial environment require information on common soil MP concentrations. We reviewed item numbers and mass concentrations recorded in 23 studies, with 223 sampling sites in total with respect to the underlying entry pathways, land uses and vicinities. Common values included amounts of up to 13 000 items kg−1 and 4.5 mg kg−1 dry soil. Based on the collected data, we identified problems in past field studies.
Maha Deeb, Peter M. Groffman, Manuel Blouin, Sara Perl Egendorf, Alan Vergnes, Viacheslav Vasenev, Donna L. Cao, Daniel Walsh, Tatiana Morin, and Geoffroy Séré
SOIL, 6, 413–434,,, 2020
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Short summary
The goal of this study was to discuss current methods to create soils adapted for various green infrastructure (GI) designs. Investigating these new soils for several design categories of GI will provide technical information for management and design agencies. Moreover, these studies can serve as pioneer experiments to prevent recurring errors and, thus, provide improved plant growth practices. Results show that these constructed soils have a high potential to provide multiple soil functions.
Katja Wiedner and Steven Polifka
SOIL, 6, 315–324,,, 2020
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Short summary
Microplastics and microglass are used in a wide range of everyday and industrial applications acting as abrasives, filler and binding agents, which could enter aquatic and terrestrial environments with unexpected consequences for ecosystems. Our study suggests that different types of microparticles seem to have contrary effects on soil microorganisms, depending on the origin and properties of microparticles. This study should be seen as basis for further research, which is urgently needed.
Nicolette Tamara Regina Johanna Maria Jonkman, Esmee Daniëlle Kooijman, Karsten Kalbitz, Nicky Rosa Maria Pouw, and Boris Jansen
SOIL, 5, 303–313,,, 2019
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Short summary
In the urban gardens of Kisumu we interviewed female farmers to determine the sources and scope of their agricultural knowledge. We assessed the impact of the knowledge by comparing the influence of two types of management on soil nutrients. While one type of management was more effective in terms of preserving soil nutrients, the other management type had socioeconomic benefits. Both environmental and socioeconomic effects have to be considered in agricultural training to increase their impact.
Matthew T. Streeter and Keith E. Schilling
SOIL, 4, 93–100,,, 2018
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Short summary
Iowa golf courses provide an ideal location to evaluate whether golf course management is affecting the quality of soils at depth. Our study evaluated how soil properties relating to soil health and resiliency varied with depth at golf courses across Iowa and interpreted relationships of these properties to current golf course management and inherent soil properties. Systematic variation in soil properties including sand content, NO3, and SOM was observed with depth.
Brice Prudat, Lena Bloemertz, and Nikolaus J. Kuhn
SOIL, 4, 47–62,,, 2018
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Short summary
Soil degradation is a major threat for farmers of semi-arid north-central Namibia. Having tools to assess soil quality is important to evaluate soil conditions and helps targeting important issues. We developed a soil evaluation toolbox that integrates farmers' field experiences and technical knowledge. The combination of local soil descriptions, field soil texture evaluation and soil colour provides locally meaningful information that reveals soil quality improvement potentials.
Johan Bouma
SOIL, 3, 153–159,,, 2017
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Short summary
Alexander von Humboldt was an inspiring scientist in the early 1800s, traveling widely, making many measurements, and linking different scientific disciplines while keeping an eye open to the needs of society. This is particularly relevant today in our information society, and researchers in developing countries are advised to follow the von Humboldt example when planning their future research.
Martina I. Gocke, Fabian Kessler, Jan M. van Mourik, Boris Jansen, and Guido L. B. Wiesenberg
SOIL, 2, 537–549,,, 2016
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Short summary
Investigation of a Dutch sandy profile demonstrated that buried soils provide beneficial growth conditions for plant roots in terms of nutrients. The intense exploitation of deep parts of the soil profile, including subsoil and soil parent material, by roots of the modern vegetation is often underestimated by traditional approaches. Potential consequences of deep rooting for terrestrial carbon stocks, located to a relevant part in buried soils, remain largely unknown and require further studies.
Leonor Rodrigues, Umberto Lombardo, Mareike Trauerstein, Perrine Huber, Sandra Mohr, and Heinz Veit
SOIL, 2, 367–389,,, 2016
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Short summary
Our study examines pre-Columbian agricultural raised fields in the Bolivian Amazon.
It provides a new interpretation for pre-Columbian management of raised fields.
The results show that differences in field size and height are the result of an adaptation to a site where soil properties vary significantly on a scale of tens to hundreds of meters. The analysis and dating of the raised fields sediments point towards an extensive and rather brief use of the raised fields, for about 100–200 years.
Marieke Doorenbosch and Jan M. van Mourik
SOIL, 2, 311–324,,, 2016
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Short summary
Soil records provide information about 5 millennia of heath management in cultural landscapes on sandy soils. Deforestations and the introduction of the deep, stable economy in the 18th century resulted in sand drifting and heath degradation. After the introduction of chemical fertilizers more than 90 % of the heaths were transformed into productive arable field or forests. Currently the last heaths are preserved as part of the cultural heritage.
Sjoerd Kluiving, Tim de Ridder, Marcel van Dasselaar, Stan Roozen, and Maarten Prins
SOIL, 2, 271–285,,, 2016
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Short summary
In medieval times the city of Vlaardingen (the Netherlands) was strategically located on the confluence of three rivers, the Maas, the Merwede, and the Vlaarding. Combined research on the history and soil of this city was initiated by an archaeological research question, following Dutch legislation. The start of fluvial system 2 in AD 600 correlates with evidence of the church that was present at least in AD 726/727. Results record the period before and after the flooding in AD 1170.
C. Poeplau, H. Marstorp, K. Thored, and T. Kätterer
SOIL, 2, 175–184,,, 2016
Short summary
Short summary
We compared two long-term contrasting systems of urban lawn management (frequently cut utility lawn vs. seldomly cut meadow-like lawn) regarding their effect on soil carbon in three Swedish cities. Biomass production was also measured during 1 year. The utility lawns had a significantly higher biomass production, which resulted in a higher soil carbon storage, since clippings were not removed. Soil carbon sequestration outweighed the higher management-related CO2 emissions of the utility lawns.
Johan Bouma and Luca Montanarella
SOIL, 2, 135–145,,, 2016
Short summary
Short summary
The recently accepted UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a major challenge to the research community, including soil science. SDGs require a interdisciplinary research approach that forces every discipline to critically evaluate its core messages. Effective communication with the policy arena requires use of common policy concepts such as policy phases and distinction of drivers, pressures, and responses to change. To accomodate such needs, research practices will have to change.
Saskia D. Keesstra, Johan Bouma, Jakob Wallinga, Pablo Tittonell, Pete Smith, Artemi Cerdà, Luca Montanarella, John N. Quinton, Yakov Pachepsky, Wim H. van der Putten, Richard D. Bardgett, Simon Moolenaar, Gerben Mol, Boris Jansen, and Louise O. Fresco
SOIL, 2, 111–128,,, 2016
Short summary
Short summary
Soil science, as a land-related discipline, has links to several of the UN Sustainable Development Goals which are demonstrated through the functions of soils and related ecosystem services. We discuss how soil scientists can rise to the challenge both internally and externally in terms of our relations with colleagues in other disciplines, diverse groups of stakeholders and the policy arena. To meet these goals we recommend the set of steps to be taken by the soil science community as a whole.
C. Feller, E. R. Landa, A. Toland, and G. Wessolek
SOIL, 1, 543–559,,, 2015
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Short summary
Case studies of artworks focused on painting, installation, and film are presented, with the view of encouraging further exploration of art about, in, and with soil, as a contribution to raising soil awareness.
M. Gronwald, A. Don, B. Tiemeyer, and M. Helfrich
SOIL, 1, 475–489,,, 2015
U. Lombardo, S. Denier, and H. Veit
SOIL, 1, 65–81,,, 2015
Short summary
Short summary
In the present paper we explore to what degree soil properties might have influenced pre-Columbian settlement patterns in the Monumental Mounds Region (MMR) of the Llanos de Moxos (LM), Bolivian Amazon. This study provides new data on the soil properties of the south-eastern Bolivian Amazon and reinforces the hypothesis that environmental constraints and opportunities exerted an important role on pre-Columbian occupation patterns and the population density reached in the Bolivian Amazon.
J. P. van Leeuwen, T. Lehtinen, G. J. Lair, J. Bloem, L. Hemerik, K. V. Ragnarsdóttir, G. Gísladóttir, J. S. Newton, and P. C. de Ruiter
SOIL, 1, 83–101,,, 2015
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Short summary
Open-cast mining increases soil erosion and transfer of sediment in river systems. Providing a methodology to better understand the sediment dynamic of these catchments is essential to manage this pollution. In this study, different tracers such as elemental geochemistry or colour properties were tested to trace and quantify the mining source contributions to the sediment inputs in the Thio River catchment, one of the first areas exploited for nickel mining in New Caledonia (i.e. since 1880).
Open-cast mining increases soil erosion and transfer of sediment in river systems. Providing a...