Articles | Volume 3, issue 3
Original research article
04 Aug 2017
Original research article |  | 04 Aug 2017

Decision support for the selection of reference sites using 137Cs as a soil erosion tracer

Laura Arata, Katrin Meusburger, Alexandra Bürge, Markus Zehringer, Michael E. Ketterer, Lionel Mabit, and Christine Alewell

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Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript accepted for ESSD
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A conceptual-model-based sediment connectivity assessment for patchy agricultural catchments
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Physiological and climate controls on foliar mercury uptake by European tree species
Lena Wohlgemuth, Pasi Rautio, Bernd Ahrends, Alexander Russ, Lars Vesterdal, Peter Waldner, Volkmar Timmermann, Nadine Eickenscheidt, Alfred Fürst, Martin Greve, Peter Roskams, Anne Thimonier, Manuel Nicolas, Anna Kowalska, Morten Ingerslev, Päivi Merilä, Sue Benham, Carmen Iacoban, Günter Hoch, Christine Alewell, and Martin Jiskra
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Investigating causal factors of shallow landslides in grassland regions of Switzerland
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Cited articles

Alewell, C., Meusburger, K., Juretzko, G., Mabit, L., and Ketterer, M. E.: Suitability of 239 + 240Pu and 137Cs as tracers for soil erosion assessment in mountain grasslands, Chemosphere, 103, 274–280, 2014.
Alewell, C., Egli, M., and Meusburger, K.: An attempt to estimate tolerable soil erosion rates by matching soil formation with denudation in Alpine grasslands, J. Soil. Sediment., 15, 1383–1399, 2015.
Arata, L., Meusburger, K., Frenkel, E., A'Campo-Neuen, A., Iuran, A. R., Ketterer, M. E., Mabit, L., and Alewell, C.: Modelling Deposition and Erosion rates with RadioNuclides (MODERN) – Part 2: A comparison of different models to convert 239 + 240Pu inventories into soil redistribution rates at unploughed sites, J. Environ. Radioactiv., 162, 97–106, 2016.
Chawla, F., Steinmann, P., Pfeifer, H. R., and Froidevaux, P.: Atmospheric deposition and migration of artificial radionuclides in Alpine soils (Val Piora, Switzerland) compared to the distribution of selected major and trace elements, Sci. Total Environ., 408, 3292–3302, 2010.
Descroix, L. and Mathys, N.: Processes, spatio-temporal factors and measurements of current erosion in the French southern Alps: a review, Earth Surf. Proc. Land., 28, 993–1011, 2003.