Articles | Volume 1, issue 2
Short communication
13 Jul 2015
Short communication |  | 13 Jul 2015

Analysis and definition of potential new areas for viticulture in the Azores (Portugal)

J. Madruga, E. B. Azevedo, J. F. Sampaio, F. Fernandes, F. Reis, and J. Pinheiro

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Vineyards in the Azores have been traditionally settled on lava field terroirs whose workability and trafficability limitations make them presently unsustainable. A landscape zoning approach based on a GIS analysis, incorporating factors of climate and topography combined with the soil mapping units suitable for viticulture was developed in order to define the most representative land units, providing an overall perspective of the potential for expansion of viticulture in the Azores.