Articles | Volume 2, issue 1
Original research article
21 Jan 2016
Original research article |  | 21 Jan 2016

Tree species and functional traits but not species richness affect interrill erosion processes in young subtropical forests

S. Seitz, P. Goebes, Z. Song, H. Bruelheide, W. Härdtle, P. Kühn, Y. Li, and T. Scholten

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Different tree species affect interrill erosion, but a higher tree species richness does not mitigate soil losses in young subtropical forest stands. Different tree morphologies and tree traits (e.g. crown cover or tree height) have to be considered when assessing erosion in forest ecosystems. If a leaf litter cover is not present, the remaining soil surface cover by stones and biological soil crusts is the most important driver for soil erosion control.