Articles | Volume 1, issue 1
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the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
© Author(s) 2015. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Predicting soil water repellency using hydrophobic organic compounds and their vegetation origin
J. Mao
Department of Earth Sciences – Organic Geochemistry, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, Heidelberglaan 2, P.O. Box 80115, 3508 TC Utrecht, the Netherlands
Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development – Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, Heidelberglaan 2, P.O. Box 80115, 3508 TC Utrecht, the Netherlands
K. G. J. Nierop
Department of Earth Sciences – Organic Geochemistry, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, Heidelberglaan 2, P.O. Box 80115, 3508 TC Utrecht, the Netherlands
M. Rietkerk
Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development – Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, Heidelberglaan 2, P.O. Box 80115, 3508 TC Utrecht, the Netherlands
S. C. Dekker
Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development – Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, Heidelberglaan 2, P.O. Box 80115, 3508 TC Utrecht, the Netherlands
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Jolanda J. E. Theeuwen, Sarah N. Warnau, Imme B. Benedict, Stefan C. Dekker, Hubertus V. M. Hamelers, Chiel C. van Heerwaarden, and Arie Staal
EGUsphere,,, 2025
This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Biogeosciences (BG).
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The Mediterranean Basin is prone to drying. This study uses a simple model to explore how forests affect the potential for rainfall by analyzing the lowest part of the atmosphere. Results show that forestation amplifies drying in dry areas and boosts rainfall potential in wet regions, where it also promotes cooling. These findings suggest that the impact of forestation varies with soil moisture, and may possibly mitigate or intensify future drying.
Arie Staal, Pim Meijer, Maganizo Kruger Nyasulu, Obbe A. Tuinenburg, and Stefan C. Dekker
Earth Syst. Dynam., 16, 215–238,,, 2025
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Many areas across the globe rely on upwind land areas for their precipitation supply through terrestrial precipitation recycling. Here we simulate global precipitation recycling in four climate and land-use scenarios until 2100. We find that global terrestrial moisture recycling decreases by 1.5 % with every degree of global warming but with strong regional differences.
Guangnan Wu, Klaas G. J. Nierop, Bingjie Yang, Stefan Schouten, Gert-Jan Reichart, and Peter Kraal
EGUsphere,,, 2024
This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Biogeosciences (BG).
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Estuaries store and process large amounts of carbon, making them vital to the global carbon cycle. In the Port of Rotterdam, we studied the source of organic matter (OM) in sediments and how it influences OM breakdown. We found that marine OM degrades faster than land OM, and human activities like dredging can accelerate this by exposing sediments to oxygen. Our findings highlight the impact of human activities on carbon storage in estuaries, which is key for managing estuarine carbon dynamics.
Mohsen Soltani, Bert Hamelers, Abbas Mofidi, Christopher G. Fletcher, Arie Staal, Stefan C. Dekker, Patrick Laux, Joel Arnault, Harald Kunstmann, Ties van der Hoeven, and Maarten Lanters
Earth Syst. Dynam., 14, 931–953,,, 2023
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The temporal changes and spatial patterns in precipitation events do not show a homogeneous tendency across the Sinai Peninsula. Mediterranean cyclones accompanied by the Red Sea and Persian troughs are responsible for the majority of Sinai's extreme rainfall events. Cyclone tracking captures 156 cyclones (rainfall ≥10 mm d-1) either formed within or transferred to the Mediterranean basin precipitating over Sinai.
Jolanda J. E. Theeuwen, Arie Staal, Obbe A. Tuinenburg, Bert V. M. Hamelers, and Stefan C. Dekker
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 27, 1457–1476,,, 2023
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Evaporation changes over land affect rainfall over land via moisture recycling. We calculated the local moisture recycling ratio globally, which describes the fraction of evaporated moisture that rains out within approx. 50 km of its source location. This recycling peaks in summer as well as over wet and elevated regions. Local moisture recycling provides insight into the local impacts of evaporation changes and can be used to study the influence of regreening on local rainfall.
Md Feroz Islam, Paul P. Schot, Stefan C. Dekker, Jasper Griffioen, and Hans Middelkoop
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 26, 903–921,,, 2022
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The potential of sedimentation in the lowest parts of polders (beels) through controlled flooding with dike breach (tidal river management – TRM) to counterbalance relative sea level rise (RSLR) in 234 beels of SW Bangladesh is determined in this study, using 2D models and multiple regression. Lower beels located closer to the sea have the highest potential. Operating TRM only during the monsoon season is sufficient to raise the land surface of most beels by more than 3 times the yearly RSLR.
Appy Sluijs, Joost Frieling, Gordon N. Inglis, Klaas G. J. Nierop, Francien Peterse, Francesca Sangiorgi, and Stefan Schouten
Clim. Past, 16, 2381–2400,,, 2020
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We revisit 15-year-old reconstructions of sea surface temperatures in the Arctic Ocean for the late Paleocene and early Eocene epochs (∼ 57–53 million years ago) based on the distribution of fossil membrane lipids of archaea preserved in Arctic Ocean sediments. We find that improvements in the methods over the past 15 years do not lead to different results. However, data quality is now higher and potential biases better characterized. Results confirm remarkable Arctic warmth during this time.
John O'Connor, Maria J. Santos, Karin T. Rebel, and Stefan C. Dekker
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 3917–3931,,, 2019
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The Amazon rainforest has undergone extensive land use change, which greatly reduces the rate of evapotranspiration. Forest with deep roots is replaced by agriculture with shallow roots. The difference in rooting depth can greatly reduce access to water, especially during the dry season. However, large areas of the Amazon have a sufficiently shallow water table that may provide access for agriculture. We used remote sensing observations to compare the impact of deep and shallow water tables.
Rémon M. Saaltink, Maria Barciela-Rial, Thijs van Kessel, Stefan C. Dekker, Hugo J. de Boer, Claire Chassange, Jasper Griffioen, Martin J. Wassen, and Johan C. Winterwerp
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss.,,, 2019
Revised manuscript not accepted
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This paper focusses on exploring an alternative approach that uses natural processes, rather than a technological solution, to speed up drainage of soft sediment. In a controlled column experiment, we studied how Phragmites australis can act as an ecological engineer that enhances drainage. The presented results provide information needed for predictive modelling of plants as ecological engineers to speed up soil forming processes in the construction of wetlands with soft cohesive sediment.
Brian J. Dermody, Murugesu Sivapalan, Elke Stehfest, Detlef P. van Vuuren, Martin J. Wassen, Marc F. P. Bierkens, and Stefan C. Dekker
Earth Syst. Dynam., 9, 103–118,,, 2018
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Ensuring sustainable food and water security is an urgent and complex challenge. As the world becomes increasingly globalised and interdependent, food and water management policies may have unintended consequences across regions, sectors and scales. Current decision-making tools do not capture these complexities and thus miss important dynamics. We present a modelling framework to capture regional and sectoral interdependence and cross-scale feedbacks within the global food system.
Maarten C. Braakhekke, Karin T. Rebel, Stefan C. Dekker, Benjamin Smith, Arthur H. W. Beusen, and Martin J. Wassen
Earth Syst. Dynam., 8, 1121–1139,,, 2017
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Nitrogen input in natural ecosystems usually has a positive effect on plant growth. However, too much N causes N leaching, which contributes to water pollution. Using a global model we estimated that N leaching from natural lands has increased by 73 % during the 20th century, mainly due to rising N deposition from the atmosphere caused by emissions from fossil fuels and agriculture. Climate change and increasing CO2 concentration had positive and negative effects (respectively) on N leaching.
Rémon Saaltink, Stefan C. Dekker, Jasper Griffioen, and Martin J. Wassen
Biogeosciences, 13, 4945–4957,,, 2016
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We identified biogeochemical plant–soil feedback processes that occur when oxidation, drying and modification by plants alter sediment conditions. Wetland construction in Markermeer (a lake in the Netherlands) is used as a case study. Natural processes will be utilized during and after construction to accelerate ecosystem development. We conducted a 6-month greenhouse experiment to identify the key biogeochemical processes in the mud when Phragmites australis is used as an eco-engineer.
Stefan C. Dekker, Margriet Groenendijk, Ben B. B. Booth, Chris Huntingford, and Peter M. Cox
Earth Syst. Dynam., 7, 525–533,,, 2016
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Our analysis allows us to infer maps of changing plant water-use efficiency (WUE) for 1901–2010, using atmospheric observations of temperature, humidity and CO2. Our estimated increase in global WUE is consistent with the tree-ring and eddy covariance data, but much larger than the historical WUE increases simulated by Earth System Models (ESMs). We therefore conclude that the effects of increasing CO2 on plant WUE are significantly underestimated in the latest climate projections.
Zun Yin, Stefan C. Dekker, Bart J. J. M. van den Hurk, and Henk A. Dijkstra
Biogeosciences, 13, 3343–3357,,, 2016
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Bimodality is found in aboveground biomass and mean annual shortwave radiation in West Africa, which is a strong evidence of alternative stable states. The condition with low biomass and low radiation is demonstrated under which ecosystem state can shift between savanna and forest states. Moreover, climatic indicators have different prediction confidences to different land cover types. A new method is proposed to predict potential land cover change with a combination of climatic indicators.
Patrick W. Bogaart, Ype van der Velde, Steve W. Lyon, and Stefan C. Dekker
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 1413–1432,,, 2016
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We analyse how stream discharge declines after rain storms. This "recession" behaviour contains information about the capacity of the catchment to hold or release water. Looking at many rivers in Sweden, we were able to link distinct recession regimes to land use and catchment characteristics. Trends in recession behaviour are found to correspond to intensifying agriculture and extensive reforestation. We conclude that both humans and nature reorganizes the soil in order to enhance efficiency.
M. Baudena, S. C. Dekker, P. M. van Bodegom, B. Cuesta, S. I. Higgins, V. Lehsten, C. H. Reick, M. Rietkerk, S. Scheiter, Z. Yin, M. A. Zavala, and V. Brovkin
Biogeosciences, 12, 1833–1848,,, 2015
B. J. Dermody, R. P. H. van Beek, E. Meeks, K. Klein Goldewijk, W. Scheidel, Y. van der Velde, M. F. P. Bierkens, M. J. Wassen, and S. C. Dekker
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 5025–5040,,, 2014
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Our virtual water network of the Roman World shows that virtual water trade and irrigation provided the Romans with resilience to interannual climate variability. Virtual water trade enabled the Romans to meet food demands from regions with a surplus. Irrigation provided stable water supplies for agriculture, particularly in large river catchments. However, virtual water trade also stimulated urbanization and population growth, which eroded Roman resilience to climate variability over time.
Z. Yin, S. C. Dekker, B. J. J. M. van den Hurk, and H. A. Dijkstra
Earth Syst. Dynam., 5, 257–270,,, 2014
Z. Yin, S. C. Dekker, B. J. J. M. van den Hurk, and H. A. Dijkstra
Geosci. Model Dev., 7, 821–845,,, 2014
K. A. Koho, K. G. J. Nierop, L. Moodley, J. J. Middelburg, L. Pozzato, K. Soetaert, J. van der Plicht, and G-J. Reichart
Biogeosciences, 10, 1131–1141,,, 2013
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Soils and plants
Soil bacterial communities triggered by organic matter inputs associates with a high-yielding pear production
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Inducing banana Fusarium wilt disease suppression through soil microbiome reshaping by pineapple–banana rotation combined with biofertilizer application
Soil δ15N is a better indicator of ecosystem nitrogen cycling than plant δ15N: A global meta-analysis
Hydrological soil properties control tree regrowth after forest disturbance in the forest steppe of central Mongolia
Effects of application of biochar and straw on sustainable phosphorus management
Altitude and management affect soil fertility, leaf nutrient status and Xanthomonas wilt prevalence in enset gardens
Nitrogen availability determines the long-term impact of land use change on soil carbon stocks in grasslands of southern Ghana
Time-lapse monitoring of root water uptake using electrical resistivity tomography and mise-à-la-masse: a vineyard infiltration experiment
Distribution of phosphorus fractions with different plant availability in German forest soils and their relationship with common soil properties and foliar P contents
Bone char effects on soil: sequential fractionations and XANES spectroscopy
Leaf waxes in litter and topsoils along a European transect
Paleosols can promote root growth of recent vegetation – a case study from the sandy soil–sediment sequence Rakt, the Netherlands
Lime and zinc application influence soil zinc availability, dry matter yield and zinc uptake by maize grown on Alfisols
Switchgrass ecotypes alter microbial contribution to deep-soil C
Tree species and functional traits but not species richness affect interrill erosion processes in young subtropical forests
Integrated soil fertility management in sub-Saharan Africa: unravelling local adaptation
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An overview of the recent approaches to terroir functional modelling, footprinting and zoning
The use of soil electrical resistivity to monitor plant and soil water relationships in vineyards
The fate of seeds in the soil: a review of the influence of overland flow on seed removal and its consequences for the vegetation of arid and semiarid patchy ecosystems
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Li Wang, Xiaomei Ye, Hangwei Hu, Jing Du, Yonglan Xi, Zongzhuan Shen, Jing Lin, and Deli Chen
SOIL, 8, 337–348,,, 2022
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Yield-invigorating soils showed a higher content of organic matter and harbored unique bacterial communities with greater diversity than yield-debilitating soils. In addition, Chloroflexi was served as a keystone taxon in manipulating the interaction of bacterial communities. Our findings help elucidate the role of soil microbiome in maintaining crop production and factors controlling the assembly of soil microbiome.
Norman Gentsch, Diana Heuermann, Jens Boy, Steffen Schierding, Nicolaus von Wirén, Dörte Schweneker, Ulf Feuerstein, Robin Kümmerer, Bernhard Bauer, and Georg Guggenberger
SOIL, 8, 269–281,,, 2022
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This study focuses on the potential of catch crops as monocultures or mixtures to improve the soil water management and reduction of soil N leaching losses. All catch crop treatments preserved soil water for the main crop and their potential can be optimized by selecting suitable species and mixture compositions. Mixtures can compensate for the individual weaknesses of monocultures in N cycling by minimizing leaching losses and maximizing the N transfer to the main crop.
Papa Mamadou Sitor Ndour, Christine Hatté, Wafa Achouak, Thierry Heulin, and Laurent Cournac
SOIL, 8, 49–57,,, 2022
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Unravelling relationships between plant rhizosheath, root exudation and soil C dynamic may bring interesting perspectives in breeding for sustainable agriculture. Using four pearl millet lines with contrasting rhizosheaths, we found that δ13C and F14C of root-adhering soil differed from those of bulk and control soil, indicating C exudation in the rhizosphere. This C exudation varied according to the genotype, and conceptual modelling performed with data showed a genotypic effect on the RPE.
Beibei Wang, Mingze Sun, Jinming Yang, Zongzhuan Shen, Yannan Ou, Lin Fu, Yan Zhao, Rong Li, Yunze Ruan, and Qirong Shen
SOIL, 8, 17–29,,, 2022
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Pineapple–banana rotation combined with bio-organic fertilizer application is effective in Fusarium wilt suppression. Bacterial and fungal communities are changed. Large changes in the fungal community and special Burkholderia functions in the network are likely the most responsible factors for soil-borne disease suppression. Pineapple–banana rotation combined with bio-organic fertilizer application has strong potential for the sustainable management of banana Fusarium wilt disease.
Kaihua Liao, Xiaoming Lai, and Qing Zhu
SOIL, 7, 733–742,,, 2021
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Since the 20th century, human beings have released a large amount of reactive nitrogen by excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer, which resulted in enhanced greenhouse effect. It is not clear how the ecosystem nitrogen cycle evolves during global warming. In this study, we collected global data and used meta-analysis to reveal the response of nitrogen cycle to climate warming. The results show that the future climate warming can accelerate the process of ecosystem nitrogen cycle.
Florian Schneider, Michael Klinge, Jannik Brodthuhn, Tino Peplau, and Daniela Sauer
SOIL, 7, 563–584,,, 2021
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The central Mongolian forest steppe underlies a recent decline of forested area. We analysed the site and soil properties in the Khangai Mountains to identify differences between disturbed forest areas with and without regrowth of trees. More silty soils were found under areas with tree regrowth and more sandy soils under areas without tree regrowth. Due to the continental, semi-arid climate, soil properties which increase the amount of available water are decisive for tree regrowth in Mongolia.
Xue Li, Na Li, Jinfeng Yang, Yansen Xiang, Xin Wang, and Xiaori Han
SOIL Discuss.,,, 2021
Preprint withdrawn
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The application of biochar in soil not only solves the problem of resource waste and environmental pollution caused by agricultural and forestry wastes but also improves the soil environment. In this study, the basic properties of the soil, P fractions, change in P forms, the relationship between Hedley-P, and distribution of different P forms in the soil were studied.
Sabura Shara, Rony Swennen, Jozef Deckers, Fantahun Weldesenbet, Laura Vercammen, Fassil Eshetu, Feleke Woldeyes, Guy Blomme, Roel Merckx, and Karen Vancampenhout
SOIL, 7, 1–14,,, 2021
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Nicknamed the
tree against hunger, enset (Ensete ventricosum) is an important multipurpose crop for the farming systems of the densely populated Gamo highlands in Ethiopia. Its high productivity and tolerance to droughts are major assets. Nevertheless, enset production is severely threatened by a wilting disease. This observational study aims to assess soil and leaf nutrients in enset gardens at different altitudes to see if fertility management can be linked to disease prevalence.
John Kormla Nyameasem, Thorsten Reinsch, Friedhelm Taube, Charles Yaw Fosu Domozoro, Esther Marfo-Ahenkora, Iraj Emadodin, and Carsten Stefan Malisch
SOIL, 6, 523–539,,, 2020
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Long-term studies on the impact of land use change and crop selection on soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in sub-Saharan Africa are scarce. Accordingly, this study analysed the impact of converting natural grasslands to a range of low-input production systems in a tropical savannah on SOC stocks. Apart from the cultivation of legume tree and/or shrub species, all land management techniques were detrimental. Grazed grasslands in particular had almost 50 % less SOC than natural grasslands.
Benjamin Mary, Luca Peruzzo, Jacopo Boaga, Nicola Cenni, Myriam Schmutz, Yuxin Wu, Susan S. Hubbard, and Giorgio Cassiani
SOIL, 6, 95–114,,, 2020
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The use of non-invasive geophysical imaging of root system processes is of increasing interest to study soil–plant interactions. The experiment focused on the behaviour of grapevine plants during a controlled infiltration experiment. The combination of the mise-à-la-masse (MALM) method, a variation of the classical electrical tomography map (ERT), for which the current is transmitted directly into the stem, holds the promise of being able to image root distribution.
Jörg Niederberger, Martin Kohler, and Jürgen Bauhus
SOIL, 5, 189–204,,, 2019
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Phosphorus (P) seems to be a limiting factor for forest nutrition. At many German forest sites, trees show a deficiency in P nutrition. However, total soil P is an inadequate predictor to explain this malnutrition. We examined if soil properties such as pH, SOC, and soil texture may be used to predict certain P pools in large forest soil inventories. Models using soil properties and P pools with different bioavailability are not yet adequate to explain the P nutrition status in tree foliage.
Mohsen Morshedizad, Kerstin Panten, Wantana Klysubun, and Peter Leinweber
SOIL, 4, 23–35,,, 2018
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We investigated how the composition of bone char (BC) particles altered in soil and affected the soil P speciation by fractionation and X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy. Bone char particles (BC from pyrolysis of bone chips and BCplus, a BC enriched with S compounds) were collected at the end of incubation-leaching and ryegrass cultivation trials. Soil amendment with BCplus led to elevated P concentrations and maintained more soluble P species than BC even after ryegrass growth.
Imke K. Schäfer, Verena Lanny, Jörg Franke, Timothy I. Eglinton, Michael Zech, Barbora Vysloužilová, and Roland Zech
SOIL, 2, 551–564,,, 2016
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For this study we systematically investigated the molecular pattern of leaf waxes in litter and topsoils along a European transect to assess their potential for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Our results show that leaf wax patterns depend on the type of vegetation. The vegetation signal is not only found in the litter; it can also be preserved to some degree in the topsoil.
Martina I. Gocke, Fabian Kessler, Jan M. van Mourik, Boris Jansen, and Guido L. B. Wiesenberg
SOIL, 2, 537–549,,, 2016
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Investigation of a Dutch sandy profile demonstrated that buried soils provide beneficial growth conditions for plant roots in terms of nutrients. The intense exploitation of deep parts of the soil profile, including subsoil and soil parent material, by roots of the modern vegetation is often underestimated by traditional approaches. Potential consequences of deep rooting for terrestrial carbon stocks, located to a relevant part in buried soils, remain largely unknown and require further studies.
Sanjib K. Behera, Arvind K. Shukla, Brahma S. Dwivedi, and Brij L. Lakaria
SOIL Discuss.,,, 2016
Revised manuscript not accepted
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Zinc (Zn) deficiency is widespread in all types of soils of world including acid soils affecting crop production and nutritional quality of edible plant parts. The present study was carried out to assess the effects of lime and farmyard manure addition to two acid soils of India on soil properties, extractable zinc by different extractants, dry matter yield, Zn concentration and uptake by maize. Increased level of lime application led to enhancement of soil pH and reduction in extractable Zn in
Damaris Roosendaal, Catherine E. Stewart, Karolien Denef, Ronald F. Follett, Elizabeth Pruessner, Louise H. Comas, Gary E. Varvel, Aaron Saathoff, Nathan Palmer, Gautam Sarath, Virginia L. Jin, Marty Schmer, and Madhavan Soundararajan
SOIL, 2, 185–197,,, 2016
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Switchgrass is a deep-rooted perennial grass bioenergy crop that can sequester soil C. Although switchgrass ecotypes vary in root biomass and architecture, little is known about their effect on soil microbial communities throughout the soil profile. By examining labeled root-C uptake in the microbial community, we found that ecotypes supported different microbial communities. The more fungal community associated with the upland ecotype could promote C sequestration by enhancing soil aggregation.
S. Seitz, P. Goebes, Z. Song, H. Bruelheide, W. Härdtle, P. Kühn, Y. Li, and T. Scholten
SOIL, 2, 49–61,,, 2016
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Different tree species affect interrill erosion, but a higher tree species richness does not mitigate soil losses in young subtropical forest stands. Different tree morphologies and tree traits (e.g. crown cover or tree height) have to be considered when assessing erosion in forest ecosystems. If a leaf litter cover is not present, the remaining soil surface cover by stones and biological soil crusts is the most important driver for soil erosion control.
B. Vanlauwe, K. Descheemaeker, K. E. Giller, J. Huising, R. Merckx, G. Nziguheba, J. Wendt, and S. Zingore
SOIL, 1, 491–508,,, 2015
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The "local adaptation" component of integrated soil fertility management operates at field and farm scale. At field scale, the application of implements other than improved germplasm, fertilizer, and organic inputs can enhance the agronomic efficiency (AE) of fertilizer. Examples include the application of lime, secondary and micronutrients, water harvesting, and soil tillage practices. At farm scale, targeting fertilizer within variable farms is shown to significantly affect AE of fertilizer.
J. M. Terrón, J. Blanco, F. J. Moral, L. A. Mancha, D. Uriarte, and J. R. Marques da Silva
SOIL, 1, 459–473,,, 2015
A. Bonfante, A. Agrillo, R. Albrizio, A. Basile, R. Buonomo, R. De Mascellis, A. Gambuti, P. Giorio, G. Guida, G. Langella, P. Manna, L. Minieri, L. Moio, T. Siani, and F. Terribile
SOIL, 1, 427–441,,, 2015
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This paper aims to test a new physically oriented approach to viticulture zoning at the farm scale which is strongly rooted in hydropedology and aims to achieve a better use of environmental features with respect to plant requirement and wine production. The physics of our approach are defined by the use of soil-plant-atmosphere simulation models which apply physically based equations to describe the soil hydrological processes and solve soil-plant water status.
E. Vaudour, E. Costantini, G. V. Jones, and S. Mocali
SOIL, 1, 287–312,,, 2015
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Terroir chemical and biological footprinting and geospatial technologies are promising for the management of terroir units, particularly remote and proxy data in conjunction with spatial statistics. In practice, the managed zones will be updatable and the effects of viticultural and/or soil management practices might be easier to control. The prospect of facilitated terroir spatial monitoring makes it possible to address the issue of terroir sustainability.
L. Brillante, O. Mathieu, B. Bois, C. van Leeuwen, and J. Lévêque
SOIL, 1, 273–286,,, 2015
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The available soil water (ASW) is a major contributor to the viticulture "terroir". Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) allows for measurements of soil water accurately and with low disturbance. This work reviews the use of ERT to spatialise soil water and ASW. A case example is also presented: differences in water uptake (as evaluated by fraction of transpirable soil water variations) depending on grapevine water status (as measured by leaf water potential) are evidenced and mapped.
E. Bochet
SOIL, 1, 131–146,,, 2015
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Since seeds are the principle means by which plants move across the landscape, the final fate of seeds plays a fundamental role in the origin, maintenance, functioning and dynamics of plant communities. In arid and semiarid patchy ecosystems, where seeds are scattered into a heterogeneous environment and intense rainfalls occur, the transport of seeds by runoff to new sites represents an opportunity for seeds to reach more favourable sites for seed germination and seedling survival.
S. Czarnecki and R.-A. Düring
SOIL, 1, 23–33,,, 2015
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This study covers both aspects of understanding of soil system and soil contamination after 14 years of fertilizer application and residual effects of the fertilization 8 years after cessation of fertilizer treatment. Although many grassland fertilizer experiments have been performed worldwide, information about residual effects of fertilizer applications on grassland ecosystem functioning is still rare. This study reports the importance of monitoring of the long-term impact of fertilization.
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Short summary
In this study we show how soil water repellency (SWR) is linked to the quantity and quality of SWR markers in soils mainly derived from vegetation. To predict the SWR of topsoils, we find the strongest relationship with ester-bound alcohols, and for subsoils with root-derived ω-hydroxy fatty acids and α,ω-dicarboxylic acids. From this we conclude that, overall, roots influence SWR more strongly than leaves and subsequently SWR markers derived from roots predict SWR better.
In this study we show how soil water repellency (SWR) is linked to the quantity and quality of...