Articles | Volume 5, issue 1
Original research article
 | Highlight paper
10 Jan 2019
Original research article | Highlight paper |  | 10 Jan 2019

Refining physical aspects of soil quality and soil health when exploring the effects of soil degradation and climate change on biomass production: an Italian case study

Antonello Bonfante, Fabio Terribile, and Johan Bouma

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Cited articles

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Bonfante, A. and Bouma, J.: The role of soil series in quantitative land evaluation when expressing effects of climate change and crop breeding on future land use, Geoderma, 259–260, 187–195, 2015. 
Bonfante, A., Basile, A., Acutis, M., De Mascellis, R., Manna, P., Perego, A., and Terribile, F.: SWAP, CropSyst and MACRO comparison in two contrasting soils cropped with maize in Northern Italy, Agr. Water Manage., 97, 1051–1062,, 2010. 
Short summary
This study is restricted to soil physical aspects of soil quality and health with the objective to define procedures with worldwide rather than only regional applicability, reflecting modern developments in soil physical research and focusing on important questions regarding possible effects of soil degradation and climate change.