Articles | Volume 9, issue 2
Review article
06 Sep 2023
Review article |  | 06 Sep 2023

Research and management challenges following soil and landscape decontamination at the onset of the reopening of the Difficult-to-Return Zone, Fukushima (Japan)

Olivier Evrard, Thomas Chalaux-Clergue, Pierre-Alexis Chaboche, Yoshifumi Wakiyama, and Yves Thiry

Data sets

Spatial datasets associated with decontamination and remediation operations following the Fukushima nuclear accident, Japan (2011–2023) O. Evrard, T. Chalaux Clergue, P.-A. Chaboche, Y. Wakiyama, and Y. Thiry

Short summary
Twelve years after the nuclear accident that occurred in Fukushima in March 2011, radioactive contamination remains a major concern in north-eastern Japan. The Japanese authorities completed an unprecedented decontamination programme. The central objective was to not expose local inhabitants to excessive radioactive doses. At the onset of the full reopening of the Difficult-to-Return Zone in 2023, the current review provides an update of a previous synthesis published in 2019.