Articles | Volume 9, issue 1
Original research article
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10 Feb 2023
Original research article | Highlight paper |  | 10 Feb 2023

Semantics about soil organic carbon storage: DATA4C+, a comprehensive thesaurus and classification of management practices in agriculture and forestry

Kenji Fujisaki, Tiphaine Chevallier, Antonio Bispo, Jean-Baptiste Laurent, François Thevenin, Lydie Chapuis-Lardy, Rémi Cardinael, Christine Le Bas, Vincent Freycon, Fabrice Bénédet, Vincent Blanfort, Michel Brossard, Marie Tella, and Julien Demenois


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Latest update: 21 Feb 2025
Executive editor
This paper describes the development of a thesaurus for land use/ management terms as they relate to soil organic carbon. The output of the work is an openly available database, DATA4C+, which can be accessed online and downloaded. Imprecise terminology does hinder the development of this field, this paper aims to improve consistency in the terms used to describe land management interventions.
Short summary
This paper presents a first comprehensive thesaurus for management practices driving soil organic carbon (SOC) storage. So far, a comprehensive thesaurus of management practices in agriculture and forestry has been lacking. It will help to merge datasets, a promising way to evaluate the impacts of management practices in agriculture and forestry on SOC. Identifying the drivers of SOC stock changes is of utmost importance to contribute to global challenges (climate change, food security).