the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Synergy between compost and cover crops in a Mediterranean row crop system leads to increased subsoil carbon storage
Daniel Rath
Nathaniel Bogie
Leonardo Deiss
Sanjai J. Parikh
Daoyuan Wang
Samantha Ying
Nicole Tautges
Asmeret Asefaw Berhe
Teamrat A. Ghezzehei
Kate M. Scow
- Final revised paper (published on 20 Jan 2022)
- Preprint (discussion started on 18 Mar 2021)
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
AC1: 'Comment on soil-2021-19', Daniel Rath, 08 Apr 2021
Please find an updated methods section below, outlining:
1) Clearer delineation between novel and historic analyses
2) Citations for methods used in historic analyses
Due to the small reorganizational changes, I have reuploaded the entire methods section.
2 Methods2.1 Field Site and Historical Management
The experiment was conducted at the Century Experiment at the Russell Ranch Sustainable Agricultural Facility in Davis, CA, in the southern region of the Sacramento Valley at an elevation of 16 m. A detailed description of management history at the Century Experiment is provided in Tautges and Chiartas et al (2019) and is described here only briefly.
The site has two soil types: (a) Yolo silt loam (Fine‐silty, mixed, superactive, nonacid, thermic Mollic Xerofluvent) and (b) Rincon silty clay loam (fine, smectitic, thermic Mollic Haploxeralf). Detailed soil horizon information (classification, texture and depths) can be found in the Century Experiment published dataset in Wolf et al. (2018).
The experimental design is a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three blocks and nine systems. Two blocks are placed on the Rincon silty clay loam, and the third block is on the Yolo silt loam. Experimental plots were 64 m x 64 m (0.4 ha). Only three systems of the nine described in Tautges and Chiartas et al. (2019) were measured in the current paper: CONV (mineral fertilizer), CONV+WCC (mineral fertilizer + cover cropped) and ORG (composted poultry manure + cover cropped). All plots are in a two-year maize-tomato rotation, with three replicate plots of each crop in any given year. All plots were irrigated with subsurface drip at the time of sampling, having converted from furrow irrigation to subsurface drip in 2014.
2.2 Historic Carbon, Nutrient and Bulk Density Values
Historical cover crop shoot, compost, and crop residue inputs were calculated based on the Century Experiment published dataset in Wolf et al. (2018). Total C and N of composted manure, aboveground cover crop biomass, and crop residues were determined on a CS 4010 Costech Elemental Analyzer (Costech Analytical Technologies). Total C and N incorporated was calculated by multiplying percent C and N of residues by total harvest biomass. Due to compost nutrient analysis not being performed every year, estimates from 1993-2000 used %C, N, P and S values averaged for that 7-year period, while estimates from 2000-2018 used %C, N, P and S values averaged for that 18-year period. Total aboveground C, N, P and S inputs were calculated by summing above ground crop residue, WCC, mineral fertilizer and compost inputs per plot per year. Calculated N inputs represent the total N content of the aboveground added WCC and crop residue biomass, and do not differentiate between fixed N and N uptake from the soil in the case of cover crop legumes.
Soil % carbon and nitrogen values for 0-15, 15-30, 30-60 and 60-100 cm in 1993 and 2012 were taken from Tautges & Chiartas et. al (2019), while values for the same depths in 2003 were taken from the Century Experiment published dataset in Wolf et. al (2018). Carbon and nitrogen analyses used in this paper were all performed using the same methods (Tautges and Chiartas et. al 2019, Wolf et, al 2018) on ball-milled, air dried samples in a CS 4010 Costech Elemental Analyzer (Costech Analytical Technologies). Total carbon and nitrogen values for 15-60 cm in 1993 were calculated by performing a weighted average of C and N % values from 15-30 and 30-60 cm.
Bulk density values used in this paper were sampled using a Giddings hydraulic probe to 2m in 1993, 2007 and 2012 (2007 values taken from Wolf et. al 2018 and 1993, 2012 values taken from Tautges et. al 2019). In 1993, bulk density was collected in 0–25, 25–50, 50–100, and 100–200 cm depth layers with an 8.25 cm diameter probe. In 2007 and 2012, bulk density was collected in 0–15, 15–30, 30–60, and 60–100 cm depth layers, with a 4.7 cm diameter probe. In 1993, 2007 and 2012, cores were collected from four random locations within each plot. Bulk densities were determined using mass of oven‐dried soil (105°C, 24 hr.) and total volume of the core averaged for each depth increment (Blake and Hartge, 1986). Bulk density depths from 1993, 2007 and 2012 were adjusted to 2018 depths through the calculation of weighted averages using adjacent depth layers for comparison. Historical carbon stocks from 0-100 cm for 1993, 2003 and 2012 were calculated via depth weighted sum (Tautges and Chiartas et. al 2019) using bulk density values taken in 1993, 2007 and 2012 respectively. Depth-adjusted 2012 bulk density values were then used to calculate 2018 carbon and nutrient stocks due to the lack of more recent bulk density measurements for all plots. Bulk density values below 30 cm were assumed to have not changed significantly between 2012-2018 (Tautges and Chiartas et. al 2018), while bulk density sampling from 0-30 cm in select Century Experiment plots indicated a limited difference in bulk density (less than 3%) from 2012-2019 (Wang, unpublished data).
2.3 Field Management
Cover crop planting and incorporation in ORG and CONV+WCC systems in 2017-2018 followed the trend of previous years, being planted onto 15 cm raised beds 1.5 m apart with a mixture of oat (Avena sativa L., 42.0 %C, 2.5 %N), faba bean (Vicia faba L., 44.1 %C, 3.5 %N) and hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth, 44.5 %C, 5.2 %N), and terminated by mowing plus 2-3 disking passes in March. Cover crop biomass was sampled by cutting aboveground biomass from one 4.5 m2 area in each plot prior to termination. Corn and tomato biomass residues were measured by cutting aboveground biomass at two 1.5 m2 locations per plot after harvest. Biomass samples were oven dried at 65 ℃ for 4 days and ground to 2 mm prior to total C and N analysis.
Fertilization during the 2017-2018 growing season was also similar to previous years, with CONV and CONV+WCC plots receiving 325 kg/ha 8‐24‐6 (26 kg N/ha, 78 Kg P/ha, 19.5 kg K/ha) starter fertilizer at the time of planting. Tomato CONV plots also received ammonium sulfate at a total rate of 200 kg N/ha, while maize CONV plots received ammonium sulfate at a total rate of 235 kg N/ha.
From 1993-2018, ORG plots normally received a spring application (February 2018) of composted poultry manure at a rate of 3.6 Mg/ha (24.9 % C, 3.5 % N, 1.6 %P, 1.47 %S). However, during the 2018 season, these plots switched from spring to fall compost application, resulting in an additional application of 3.6 Mg/ha compost in September 2018.
2.4 Soil Sampling
Soil sample collection took place in the 2018-2019 growing season. Plots were sampled at 4 timepoints: February 2018 (Pre-CC Incorporation), June 2018 (Mid-Season), September/October 2018 (Post-Harvest), and February 2019 (Pre-CC Incorporation). All sampling took place in the raised beds between furrows. Samples in February 2018, September/October 2018 and February 2019 were taken using a tractor-mounted Giddings probe with a diameter of 3 cm from all replicate plots of each system (n = 6 plots per treatment). Samples taken in June 2018 were taken using an auger to 100 cm and were only taken in the experimental plots planted with tomato (n = 3 plots per treatment). Three replicate cores were taken per plot, sectioned into 0-15, 15-60 and 60-100 cm depths, composited, and then subsampled. Aliquots of each soil were frozen at -20 ℃ for PLFA analysis within 48 hours of sampling, while the remaining samples were sieved to 8 mm and stored at 4 ℃ until analyzed.
2.5 Carbon, Nutrient and Aggregation Analysis
All analyses described below were carried out on samples taken during the 2018-2019 growing season. Dissolved organic carbon was determined using a 0.5 M potassium sulfate extraction. 6 g of soil were extracted with 0.5 M K2SO4 in a 1:5 ratio, shaken for one hour, filtered through Q5 filter paper and analyzed within 48 hours on a Shimadzu TOC-L Total Organic Carbon analyzer according to Jones and Willett (2006). Aliquots of the K2SO4 extract were immediately frozen at -20℃ and later analyzed for nitrate by reacting with vanadium(III) chloride according to Doane and Horwath (2003); and ammonium via the Berthelot reaction as laid out in Rhine et al. (1998). Available calcium, phosphorus and sulfur were measured on 2 mm sieved air-dried samples using the Mehlich-3 soil test (Mehlich, 1984). Total soil carbon and nitrogen values were measured on a CS 4010 Costech Elemental Analyzer (Costech Analytical Technologies) using air-dried, ball milled samples. 2018 carbon and nutrient stocks were calculated using depth-weighted sums (Tautges et. al 2019) with bulk density values from 2012.
Aggregation measurements were carried out using the method outlined in Wang et al. (2017), adapted from the wet-sieving method outlined in Elliott (1986). Soils were gently passed through an 8mm sieve, and a 50g representative sample was submerged in room temperature water on top of a 2 mm sieve. This sieve was moved up and down for 2 min (50 submersions per minute) using an audio metronome to keep track of the number of submersions. The soil and water passed through the 2mm sieve were gently transferred by rinsing onto a 250 μm sieve and submerged again. The process was repeated using a 53 μm sieve to generate 4 aggregate size fractions (8 mm-2 mm, 2 mm-250 μm, 250 μm-50 μm, >50 μm) which were rinsed into pre-weighed aluminum pans, oven-dried at 60 ℃, and weighed. Mean weight diameter of the aggregate fractions was calculated as the weighted average of the four aggregate size fractions (van Bavel, 1950).
2.6 Phospholipid Fatty Acid (PLFA) Analysis
PLFA analysis was carried out on 2018 samples using the high-throughput PLFA analysis method outlined in Buyer and Sasser (2012). Briefly, freeze-dried aliquots were extracted using Bligh-Dyer extractant. Phospholipid fractions were separated from the neutral lipid and glycolipid fractions using solid phase extraction columns. Phospholipids were then dried under N2 gas, transesterified, and methylated. After methylation, the samples were dried again with N2 gas and redissolved in hexane containing a known concentration of an internal standard (19:0) (Microbial ID, Newark, DE, USA). PLFAs were identified using the Sherlock software from Microbial Identification Systems and quantified using a gas chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization detector. A total of 56 different PLFAS were identified. PLFAs were assigned to Gram-positive, Gram negative, Cyclopropyl precursors, Saturated and Monounsaturated groups as outlined in Bossio and Scow (1998) (Supplementary Table 1).
2.7 Hydraulic Conductivity and Moisture Content
Three 20 cm3 cores were collected in September 2018 for saturated hydraulic conductivity from each plot that had been under tomato in 2017-2018 (9 plots out of a total of 18). Cores were taken from a depth of 35 cm. Unfortunately, two cores were damaged during measurement, giving a total of 25 cores measured from the three treatments. Care was taken to transport the cores in foam holders to avoid creating compaction or preferential flow paths in transit. Cores were stored at 5 ℃ until measurement. A KSAT device was used to measure the cores with a falling head technique per the manufacturers manual and conductivity data was normalized to 20 ℃ using the Ksat software from the manufacturer (Meter Group, Pullman, Washington USA).
Soil moisture content was measured with a multi-depth profile capacitance probe in carbon fiber access tubes that were installed according to the manufacturer’s recommendations with great care taken to avoid air gaps along the tube (PR 2/6, Delta-T Devices, Cambridge, UK). The factory calibration of the profile probe was used with an accuracy of ± 0.04 m3 m−3. Volumetric soil moisture was measured at six depths (10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 100cm) (PR 2/6, Delta-T Devices, Cambridge, UK). Access tubes were installed in the field with a custom auger taking care to make the holes smooth and straight according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. A total of 27 tubes were installed, with 3 tubes per subplot for a total of n = 9 per treatment (ORG, CONV+WCC, CONV). The measurements were made on 8 dates between January 12 - March 1, 2019. Data was processed using R, and soil moisture depth from 10-100 cm was calculated using trapezoidal integration.
2.8 Fourier transform infrared Spectroscopy
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of soil samples were collected in 2019 using diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFT; PIKE Technologies EasiDiff) with soil (air dried) diluted to 10% with KBr (Deiss et al., 2020). Spectra from 1993 samples were collected from air-dried, homogenized, archived soils from the Century Experiment Archive, while 2018 spectra were collected from air-dried, homogenized samples taken in 2018. 1993 spectra from 15-30 cm and 30-60 cm were combined into a single 15-60 cm spectra via weighted average for comparison with 2018 samples. All FTIR spectra were collected using a Thermo Nicolet 6700 FTIR spectrometer (Thermo Scientific) using 256 scans, 4 cm−1 resolution, and a DTGS detector. Three replicate samples were used, and average spectra were created for analysis. Spectral subtractions were performed using Omnic 9.8.286 (Thermo Fisher Scientific). Plots of FTIR spectra were made using Origin 2018b (OriginLab Corporation). Subtractions were performed in two ways: 1) mean spectra, for each treatment and depth, of the 1993 spectra were separately subtracted from the corresponding 2018 spectra to reveal C chemistry changes over this period; and 2) the 2018 mean spectra, for each depth, were subtracted (ORG-CONV, ORG-CONV+WCC, CONV+WCC-CONV) to show the difference in C chemistry by treatment.
2.9 Statistical Analysis
All data analysis and graph production were done using R v. 4.0.2, (R Core Team, 2020) using the tidyverse package (Wickham et al., 2019). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted using a linear model to determine the effects of management system, depth, and time point. Statistically significant differences between management systems were analyzed separately for each depth using paired t-tests with Bonferroni correction for multiple tests at 5% significance level. Data and code used for this paper are archived at
Citation: -
RC1: 'Comment on soil-2021-19', Jonathan Sanderman, 17 Apr 2021
In this manuscript, the authors present a compelling hypothesis of how compost in combination with winter cover crops can lead to accumulation of aromatic-rich subsurface soil carbon. The hypothesis is complex but plausible whereby cover crop roots improve soil structure/porosity facilitating greater transport of soluble C and nutrients derived from the compost directly to the subsurface where this C can be stabilized. While the hypothesis is compelling, unfortunately, I do not think the authors have collected the right data to test this hypothesis.
Utilizing a long-term field trial should be a great way of trying to address this hypothesis. However, a major limitation of the study is that there is no compost-only treatment, so there is no way to separate the effect of compost alone from the interactive effect of compost and cover crops together. There is nothing the authors can do about this except recognize this as a limitation of the study design.
A major feature of the author’s hypothesis is that cover crop roots have created greater porosity that facilitates greater water flow down the soil profile. The data simply do not support this notion. The authors find no difference in saturated hydrologic conductivity at 35 cm (although there was a trend for much greater variability in the compost + cover crop treatment) and no difference in soil aggregates across treatments. The only significant difference was greater water content in the two treatments with cover crops but the authors did not measure bulk density in the 2018 samples and they did not measure porosity so it is difficult to come up with an explanation for this observation.
The next major component of the hypothesis is that compost leads to greater soluble C and N. The authors use salt-extractions of soil samples at four time points during the 2018 season to generate supporting data. Salt-extractable C is an interesting carbon pool (a potentially soluble pool of C) but there is ample evidence that this lab-extracted pool has little relationship to DOC when collected in lysimeters in the field. Without direct collection of DOC diffusing and advecting down the soil profile it is difficult to say whether the differences in the extractable pools are actually leading to more DOC flux to the subsoil under compost addition.
The third component of the hypothesis relates to the preferential partitioning of DOC chemistry down the soil profile. The evidence here is particularly weak. Mid infrared FTIR spectroscopy is not a quantitative analytical tool for determining abundance of specific compounds. If it were, labs wouldn’t spend millions of dollars on more precise equipment. FTIR spectroscopy is good for identifying compounds in simple mixtures but not for quantifying their abundance in simple or complex mixtures (and soil is one of the most complex there is). Peak features depending on if they are due to vibrations, wiggles, combinations or overtones all have different relationships between abundance of the specific bonding environment and absorption – basically, you would have to prove that there is a linear relationship between “aromatics” and those two peak features in order to do a spectral subtraction and have any confidence that the difference spectrum represents real differences in chemistry. I also find it problematic that all treatments have showed the same increase in carboxylate functional groups over 25 years – wouldn’t we expect the conventional treatment to be more or less at steady state, so we shouldn’t see the same changes as seen in the cover crop and compost + cover crop treatments? Lastly, what is the actual magnitude of the “increase” in aromatic features in the compost treatment over the conventional treatment? There are no units on the y-axis. The authors have replicates so they could run statistics to see if this increase was significant.
Finally, the microbial data is not well integrated into the hypothesis. Would lower microbial stress result in greater carbon stabilization via increased carbon-use efficiency or would it result in greater priming and potential loss of older SOM? Regardless of what microbial stress means for carbon cycling, the data were non-significant across treatments. The only significant difference was in Gram+:Gram- ratio but the ecological significance of this difference was not described.
Just to reiterate I think the hypothesis laid out here for subsoil C accumulation under compost and cover crops is entirely plausible but the evidence in this study to support the hypothesis is not particularly strong.
Citation: - AC2: 'Reply on RC1', Daniel Rath, 28 May 2021
RC2: 'Comment on soil-2021-19', Erika Foster, 21 Apr 2021
This manuscript leverages data from a long-term agricultural experiment at the Russell Ranch in California and a year of more detailed measurements to explore interacting cover crop and compost effects on subsurface soil carbon dynamics. Authors blend historical measurement of carbon stocks with present day analyses of carbon (bulk C, FTIR), nutrients (Mehlich-III), soil physical properties (aggregation, moisture content, and hydraulic conductivity), and microbial biomarkers (PLFA) at four sampling dates. An ANOVA was used to assess the effect of time, depth, and management, with subsequent separate analysis of differences between management treatments at each of three depths. Although the experimental design and methods are sound, there is a disconnect between the objective to assess interaction of cover crops and compost and the data analysis. The discussion ties in interesting concepts such as the ‘cascade theory’ and microbial stress indicators that must be brought up further into the introduction to create a threat throughout the paper. Below please find my recommendations to reframe the paper and utilize historic data, specific questions and a few line edits for authors. Most edits occur in the first half of the paper, which may help to connect the methods and results into the compelling discussion.
Title: I recommend making this more specific. The final sentence of the discussion states that “care should be taken when applying these results to different soil types and climates”; therefore, adding the soil type or climate (or both) into the title seems prudent.
Throughout the paper, can authors use the treatment names as in the original experimental dataset (Wolf, 2018 page 6): CONV = CMT conventional maize-tomato, ORG=OMT organic maize-tomato, and (page 5) WCC – winter cover crop? I understand that Tautges and Chiartas 2019 used the CONV, ORG notation, but a brief explanation would be helpful.
The theory of cover crops providing a macropore system for transport of DOC is interesting, but the data do not support this theory (no measurement of porosity, change in bulk density, or changes in soil hydraulic properties). It is appropriate for a discussion, but I might exclude this as a main finding from the abstract.
I appreciate that the abstract and introduction mention soil health, but there is no clear definition or explanation of its importance to the paper. Either simply remove this term and focus solely on soil carbon and microbial processes, or please directly connect soil health and often associated shallow sampling regimes to this “outsized perceived role in ecosystem services”. This is a good argument and dataset to support deeper sampling. Authors may also include references summarized by Mobley et al 2015 in their article “Surficial gains and subsoil losses of soil carbon and nitrogen during secondary forest development”: Post & Kwon, 2000; West& Post, 2002 review 360 articles on land use change, with only 10% sampling below 30cm. In this paragraph, please clarify, at what depth are the authors designating topsoil v subsoil for this study? This first paragraph of the introduction discusses “longer C residence times” of deep soil C, which requires further explanation.
Overall, the introduction structure can be strengthened with by clarifying topic sentences (e.g., specify cover crops L51) and adding updated references. Can you support the Jenny citation with more modern references, even Brady and Wei Nature and Properties of Soils, or USDA technical information “Designations for Horizons and Layers” in Soil Survey Manual – Ch 3 ( The introduction structure may flow better using paragraphs separated into chemical, physical and biological controls or layered as (1) depth; (2) chemistry of C inputs and stabilization at depth; (3) management impacts at depth – specifically cover crops; and (4) management interaction with other factors (microbial).
The introduction touches upon stoichiometry, a critical highly manipulated factor in managed conventional systems that effects soil C storage. To go further in depth on soil chemistry (e.g., at L40), authors can address changes over time in stoichiometric constraints on decomposition (e.g., see Soong et al 2019 “Microbial carbon limitation: The need for integrating microorganisms into our understanding of ecosystem carbon cycling”).
Also, authors can mention higher physical disturbances in surface soils (L55), and the types of management associated with cover crops, such as crimping/rolling. Please also include specific soil type, climate and cropping system when comparing to other studies, otherwise direct comparisons are not particularly informative. Can also cite McClelland et al 2020 “Management of cover crops in temperate climates influences soil organic carbon stocks: a metaâanalysis” that analyzed soils only down to 30cm.
As for the sampling strategy by depth, can the authors please describe why they separated out into these depths 0-15, “intervening”, and the subsurface as 60-100cm? How do these depths compare to the horizons in these two soils? (Looking up the series descriptions Yolo has A horizons down to 66cm and then C horizons, and Rincon has A down to 20, B 20-100cm. Should the analysis be completed on A and B horizons rather than depth profiles?) How do these depths relate to roots of corn (100cm+), tomato (60cm+) and cover crops (variable)? Please stay consistent with the terms “subsoil” versus “subsurface soil”, as depth is a major component of this study. Can authors please justify why 15-60cm is combined into a single sample in 2018, when historical data had an additional delineation? (Is it simply limited time/costs or another reason?)
The overarching question and hypothesis require further editing to clearly lead into the results and discussion. There seems to be a disconnect between the main question and the methods of this paper. The main question includes “carbon formation” (does that mean microbially processed C? or stabilized C formation?) and “storage processes” (that obviously includes aggregation, but the carbon content of these size classes was not measured). Also, what is meant by the term “SOC-related indicators”, does that mean SOC stability or reactivity-related indicators? As written the hypotheses are just predictions, there is no description as to the mechanisms behind the described expected results. An interesting hypothesis arises in the discussion around cascade theory, can authors pull that into the introduction? This can provide a way to integrate the study of carbon chemistry (FTIR) and microbial biomarkers that otherwise are not included in the hypotheses. Finally, I agree with the previous reviewer comment, that the treatments CONV (fertilizer), CONV+WCC (fertilizer + cover crops), and ORG (compost + cover crops) do not disentangle the effect of compost. I don’t think there is there a treatment in the Century Experiment that was maize-tomato plus compost only or fertilizer + compost, but this should be mentioned as a limitation int eh study, particularly in the subtraction of FTIR spectra.
This manuscript covers many aspects of deep soil C and management, no need to emphasize the complicated factors of global change (L87) at the end of the introduction, unless those are also analyzed over time.
Materials and Methods:
Thank you for a concise description of the site and experiment. I recommend authors also add basic climate data such as climate type, mean annual mix and max temperature, mean annual precipitation, and also specific 2018-19 climate data for comparison. Authors write that the ‘horizon information’ is available from Wolf et al, but I only can find soil chemistry by depth, not the soil description in that dataset (horizon delineations are online). Can authors add in the horizon depth into the methods for both the Yolo and Rincon soils, and key chemistry such as pH and texture? A table in the materials and methods section could organize all of this soil and climate information for quick reference. This could also include the other key management notes that will impact DOC transport, such as the conversion from furrow to drip in 2014, as well as information from the 2018-2019 season such as crop planting/harvest dates, total irrigation amount, and the anomalous compost application in September 2019. These details can then be incorporated smoothly into the discussion.
The differentiation between the sampling and analysis of the older data and 2018-2019 methods is now clearer. Thank you for the new methods section. However, without hypotheses asking seasonal questions over time – why sample at four time points in a single year? Particularly as the authors state that a single year of data is not sufficient to look at differences at depth (L81-82) to justify use of the historical data. Perhaps authors can create one or two hypothesizes for the 2018-19 season, and other for the long-term effects and historical data.
The use of PLFA and FTIR is not justified from the hypotheses or introduction. The use of these techniques, particularly stress ratios for PLFA needs to be explain within a wider context in the introduction.
2.7 Please clarify the statement that 9 out of 18 plots were sampled for hydraulic conductivity (those under tomato). Were half of the plots under corn and the other under tomato during this 2018 sampling? That needs to be included in the methods section. Or are you referencing to the full 18 plots of all the Century experimental treatments? Finally, why are 8 dates included for soil moisture content, when soils are sampled only 4 times?
2.8 I have some concern over the use of averaging and subtraction of the spectra. What was the variance between the historic soils of 15-30 and 30-60 cm? What information is provided via subtraction of the conventional plus cover crop from the organic spectra? I am unfamiliar with this subtraction analysis, so I am curious, what information is revealed from subtraction as the reflectance intensity does not represent quantity, but rather soil chemical signature?
2.9 Can the authors please describe the details of the ANOVA. Was this a mixed effect model accounting for the block design? Was there an effect of block? (That difference would be interesting to see due to the two soil types). It would be helpful if the authors state that they checked normality of the data prior to ANOVA. If variability was high for certain metrics (hydraulic conductivity), it seems there may be some outliers, how were those assessed?
The lack of differences in the field may simply be due to low power with only three field replicates. Rather than splitting the data by depth to do comparisons between treatments, can the authors run an analysis that accounts for autocorrelation over depth? On that same note, do authors need to account for repeated measures across sampling dates in 2018-2019 and within the historical data?
I appreciate access to the data and code used for this analysis. Thank you for supporting trasparancy in data analysis.
3.1 The cumulative inputs over 25 years are useful, but would be more comparable to other studies if averaged per year. This data also may be well suited for a table including all C inputs and nutrient inputs over the 25 year period (transform Fig 1 to Table 1 using Mg/ha/yr). Perhaps with the level of detail from the Century Experiment on all organic inputs, the statistical analysis could incorporate the treatments as continuous variables (amount of mineral/organic N input) rather than categorical variables?
L227 If a result is non-significant, than I would remove any interpretation of ‘increase’.
Fig 2. Extremely clear pattern here. Can the significant differences be noted in some way on the figure? I would remove the lines between the points, as there are no actual measurements there, and the trends are obvious.
Fig. 4 I would change the layout of this figure. You can zoom in on the y-axis and add precipitation and irrigation events. Otherwise, a simple average across the time and bar graph or box plot would tell the story more clearly, since the statistical analysis was not over time.
L270 Why do authors state “largest seasonal variation” in nutrient data was in June, when only mineral N and DOC were highest in June? S and P were higher in August.
3.7 Authors must introduce microbial stress indicators earlier in the introduction and hypothesis. How does this relate to stoichiometry and soil C stability?
Authors list the key finding of increased SOC and then write what I perceive as the hypothesis of the paper: “that high concentrations of mobile C and essential nutrients for microbial activity provided by the compost, combined with the easier movement of water downward associated with a history of cover-cropping, helped transport the material needed to build C in the subsurface.” Having this in the introduction will help to set up the statistical analysis, results, and discussion. However, this hypothesis was not supported by the aggregation data or the hydraulic conductivity data.
Please go into more detail on how no differences in aggregation “rule out” increased pore space as the increase in water content. What is the alternative explanation? Is this just an issue with statistical power?
L335 This also seems like a great candidate sentence for another hypothesis: “Due to the fact that tillage in all systems would likely eliminate differences among them in the top 30 cm, we would expect any differences in macroporosity and infiltration among treatments to be most affected by those roots that extend below the 30 cm plow layer”. This is the first mention of tillage depth. Please specify the depth of disking in the methods, and if this was applied to the conventional fields as well.
L340-345 This paragraph on cascade theory describes why FTIR analysis was necessary. This also should be included, or at least alluded to, in the introduction. This is a really interesting discussion (L350-355), and could also be a good place to bring up the variability in the conductivity data.
L371 Figure referenced should be Fig 9.
L375 Support with values from the results. The nutrient values may all be better represented by tables, although the graphs show dynamics across the season, I would argue that depth, not season is the key factor in this analysis.
L380 Consider rewriting this section title, as there was no direct comparison to a compost treatment alone.
L382 Is the microbial processing near the surface based on the FTIR data? Please reference.
L388-L390 This paragraph seems speculative. Please input FTIR data that supports these ideas (C chemistry from this dataset).
L388 What does “high variability of soil C measurements” refer to? Dry combustion measurements of total C are very consistent.
L406-407: “This was facilitated by increased soil macropores created by cover crop roots leading to higher rates of transport of soluble C”. Macropores were not analyzed in this study, and no increases were found in hydraulic conductivity or aggregation, please clearly delineate quantified results versus hypotheses in this conclusion.
Citation: -
RC3: 'Reply on RC2', Erika Foster, 21 Apr 2021
I also want to emphasize the potential important contribution of this paper to determine best practices for deep soil C sequestration using cover crops, particularly leveraging the historical dataset.
Citation: - AC3: 'Reply on RC2', Daniel Rath, 28 May 2021
- AC3: 'Reply on RC2', Daniel Rath, 28 May 2021
RC3: 'Reply on RC2', Erika Foster, 21 Apr 2021
Peer review completion











