Articles | Volume 7, issue 2
Original research article
11 Oct 2021
Original research article |  | 11 Oct 2021

Effects of environmental factors and soil properties on soil organic carbon stock in a natural dry tropical area of Cameroon

Désiré Tsozué, Nérine Mabelle Moudjie Noubissie, Estelle Lionelle Tamto Mamdem, Simon Djakba Basga, and Dieudonne Lucien Bitom Oyono


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Short summary
Studies on soil organic carbon stock (SOCS) in the Sudano-Sahelian part of Cameroon are very rare. Organic C storage decreases with increasing latitude and more than 60 % of the SOCS is stored below the first 25 cm depth. In addition, a good correlation is noted between precipitation which decreases with increasing latitude and the total SOCS, indicating the importance of climate in the distribution of the total SOCS in the study area, which directly influence the productivity of the vegetation.