Articles | Volume 6, issue 1
Original research article
23 Mar 2020
Original research article |  | 23 Mar 2020

Depletion of soil carbon and aggregation after strong warming of a subarctic Andosol under forest and grassland cover

Christopher Poeplau, Páll Sigurðsson, and Bjarni D. Sigurdsson

Data sets

Geothermal forest soil warming Christopher Poeplau

Short summary
Global warming leads to increased mineralisation of soil organic matter, inducing a positive climate–carbon cycle feedback loop. Loss of organic matter can be associated with loss of soil structure. Here we use a strong geothermal gradient to investigate soil warming effects on soil organic matter and structural parameters in subarctic forest and grassland soils. Strong depletion of organic matter caused a collapse of aggregates, highlighting the potential impact of warming on soil function.