Articles | Volume 9, issue 1
Original research article
23 Jun 2023
Original research article |  | 23 Jun 2023

The higher relative concentration of K+ to Na+ in saline water improves soil hydraulic conductivity, salt-leaching efficiency and structural stability

Sihui Yan, Tibin Zhang, Binbin Zhang, Tonggang Zhang, Yu Cheng, Chun Wang, Min Luo, Hao Feng, and Kadambot H. M. Siddique


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Short summary
The paper provides some new information about the effects of different relative concentrations of K+ to Na+ at constant electrical conductivity (EC) on soil hydraulic conductivity, salt-leaching efficiency and pore size distribution. In addition to Ca2+ and Mg2+, K+ plays an important role in soil structure stability. These findings can provide a scientific basis and technical support for the sustainable use of saline water and control of soil quality deterioration.