Articles | Volume 8, issue 1
Original research article
01 Apr 2022
Original research article |  | 01 Apr 2022

Soil nitrogen and water management by winter-killed catch crops

Norman Gentsch, Diana Heuermann, Jens Boy, Steffen Schierding, Nicolaus von Wirén, Dörte Schweneker, Ulf Feuerstein, Robin Kümmerer, Bernhard Bauer, and Georg Guggenberger

Data sets

Gentsch et al.: Soil nitrogen and water management by winter-killed catch crops. Manuscript for SOIL. Open data and R scripts Norman Gentsch

Model code and software

Gentsch et al.: Soil nitrogen and water management by winter-killed catch crops. Manuscript for SOIL. Open data and R scripts Norman Gentsch

Short summary
This study focuses on the potential of catch crops as monocultures or mixtures to improve the soil water management and reduction of soil N leaching losses. All catch crop treatments preserved soil water for the main crop and their potential can be optimized by selecting suitable species and mixture compositions. Mixtures can compensate for the individual weaknesses of monocultures in N cycling by minimizing leaching losses and maximizing the N transfer to the main crop.