Articles | Volume 5, issue 2
Original research article
23 Jul 2019
Original research article |  | 23 Jul 2019

Distribution of phosphorus fractions with different plant availability in German forest soils and their relationship with common soil properties and foliar P contents

Jörg Niederberger, Martin Kohler, and Jürgen Bauhus


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Short summary
Phosphorus (P) seems to be a limiting factor for forest nutrition. At many German forest sites, trees show a deficiency in P nutrition. However, total soil P is an inadequate predictor to explain this malnutrition. We examined if soil properties such as pH, SOC, and soil texture may be used to predict certain P pools in large forest soil inventories. Models using soil properties and P pools with different bioavailability are not yet adequate to explain the P nutrition status in tree foliage.