Articles | Volume 10, issue 2
Original research article
02 Jul 2024
Original research article |  | 02 Jul 2024

Dissolved carbon flow to particulate organic carbon enhances soil carbon sequestration

Qintana Si, Kangli Chen, Bin Wei, Yaowen Zhang, Xun Sun, and Junyi Liang


Interactive discussion

Status: closed

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2023-1483', Anonymous Referee #1, 25 Aug 2023
    • AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Junyi Liang, 29 Oct 2023
  • RC2: 'Comment on egusphere-2023-1483', Anonymous Referee #2, 27 Sep 2023
    • AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Junyi Liang, 29 Oct 2023

Peer review completion

AR: Author's response | RR: Referee report | ED: Editor decision | EF: Editorial file upload
ED: Reconsider after major revisions (13 Nov 2023) by Kate Buckeridge
AR by Junyi Liang on behalf of the Authors (09 Dec 2023)  Author's response   Author's tracked changes   Manuscript 
ED: Referee Nomination & Report Request started (02 Jan 2024) by Kate Buckeridge
RR by Anonymous Referee #3 (18 Jan 2024)
RR by Anonymous Referee #1 (18 Jan 2024)
ED: Revision (01 Feb 2024) by Kate Buckeridge
AR by Junyi Liang on behalf of the Authors (04 Mar 2024)  Author's response   Author's tracked changes   Manuscript 
ED: Referee Nomination & Report Request started (19 Mar 2024) by Kate Buckeridge
RR by Anonymous Referee #3 (22 Mar 2024)
ED: Publish subject to minor revisions (review by editor) (22 Apr 2024) by Kate Buckeridge
AR by Junyi Liang on behalf of the Authors (27 Apr 2024)  Author's response   Author's tracked changes   Manuscript 
ED: Publish as is (13 May 2024) by Kate Buckeridge
ED: Publish as is (14 May 2024) by Jeanette Whitaker (Executive editor)
AR by Junyi Liang on behalf of the Authors (16 May 2024)  Manuscript 
Short summary
Our soil incubation experiment demonstrates that dissolved labile carbon substrate is a significant contributor to the soil particulate organic carbon pool. Dissolved carbon flow to particulate organic carbon is regulated by microbial biomass carbon and soil texture. The soil carbon model underestimates soil carbon sequestration when carbon flow from dissolved substrates to particulate organic carbon through microbial processes is not considered.